Neo-Crusaders / NEOCRU

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to the Neo-Crusaders, A group of aussies just having fun in the verse. We freeplay a lot of what we do in the verse


The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were an order of Mandalorians sponsored by Mandalore the Ultimate following the end of the Great Sith War and his own ascension to the position of Mandalore. Named after the original Mandalorian Crusaders, they fought the Mandalorian Wars, and were later regrouped and reformed under Mandalore the Preserver.

Founding and Inspiration:
The Neo Crusaders, a newly established organization in the vast universe of Star Citizen, traces its roots to the rich lore of the Mandalorian Neo Crusaders from Star Wars. Founded in 2024, the Neo Crusaders draw inspiration from the legendary warriors known for their unyielding commitment to honor, discipline, and camaraderie.


“The Republic thinks my people are dead, scattered. They are wrong. You should have destroyed us when you had the chance. As long as one Mandalorian lives, we will survive.”

Australian Origins:
Hailing from the land down under, the Neo Crusaders have a strong Australian foundation. Members from various corners of Australia, united by a passion for space exploration and camaraderie, joined forces to create a unique organization within the Star Citizen universe. The organization’s leadership is committed to fostering a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, reflecting the laid-back yet adventurous spirit often associated with the Australian way of life.

Casual Gameplay and Community Focus:
Unlike some of the more intense and hardcore organizations in the Star Citizen universe, the Neo Crusaders embrace a casual gameplay style. Recognizing that members may have real-life commitments, the organization is designed to accommodate a diverse range of schedules. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or a newcomer to the verse, the Neo Crusaders welcome players with open arms, providing a supportive environment for both casual and dedicated gamers alike.

Exploration and Trade:
The Neo Crusaders have set their sights on exploration and trade as their primary pursuits. Their members, equipped with a variety of ships suited for both peaceful exploration and profitable trading, aim to carve a niche for themselves in the vastness of space. The organization encourages collaborative efforts, with members pooling resources and knowledge to navigate the cosmos and uncover the mysteries hidden among the stars.




Absolutely no discrimination/denigration of any race, religious group, sexual orientation, etc.
Be respectful of all members.
Be respectful of those in leadership roles. They are here to enable and help you, even if you disagree with their decisions.
All boils down to don’t be a dick.
No IRL politics.

About our Org

Fun is priority

First and foremost, we want everyone to have fun. We aim to be a serious org (but not the boring kind). We get our enjoyment from conducting missions and actions in a serious way with MilSim style organisation, communication, and processes.


We want this to be an inclusive environment, but to a point.
Everybody’s welcome, but don’t be a dick.
Don’t put your opinion above others (unreasonably).
Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right. Take a step back, take a breath, then discuss your concerns.

Excellence is the goal for the org, but not the standard for each individual. The org will incentivise initiative, productivity, and dedication, but not punish the lack of those things in an individual – we all have a life and this is just a game!


Due to the EXTREMELY subjective nature of what exactly griefing is, the following statements are provided to serve as guidelines to all. They are not intended as hard-set rules, and will be subject to change as necessitated by incidents. As precedence is set, it will also be utilised to assist in the decision-making of leaders when accusations of griefing are made.

Our Definition of griefing:

To play the game in such a way that the primary objective is to ruin another player’s experience. This includes, but is not limited to:

Any behavior listed on the game company’s site as griefing.
Repeatedly conducting the same/similar actions over and over with no other objectives other than to annoy somebody else.
Knowingly and repeatedly attacking new players, excluding clear self-defense.
Utilising game exploits or severe gameplay imbalance to undermine a server event.
The above statements are guidelines. Any accusations of griefing will be investigated and discussed among leadership, and any accused will have ample opportunity to explain/defend their actions. Punishment for griefing will be proportional to the offense, and may be anything from a short timeout, to a complete ban and must be approved by a majority of Divisional Commanders with pardon authority resting with the Commandant. The onus of proof of griefing is on the accuser.