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Node Industries / NODEIND

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Resources

Welcome to Node Industries, specialising in freight hauling, mining & salvage operations, emergency medical assistance and security contracting


Node Industries was established in 2944 as Node Logistics Co. In order to reflect our growing goals and ambitions, Node rebranded and became Node Industries in 2946.

Our Branches

Freight & Shipping

The core of Node’s services is providing fast, reliable freight hauling services on a contract basis.

Head of Logistics – vacant

Salvage & Mining

Node has now expanded and has a mining and salvage division working on everything from rock and asteroid mining to combat salvage.

Head of Mining & Salvage – vacant

Emergency Medical Services

Our medical branch started out from a requirement to provide medical care to Node employees undertaking dangerous assignments. With that infrastructure in place, we are now pleased to offer medical services to our clients.

Chief Medical Officer – vacant


Our security division’s core mission is protecting the employees and assets of the company, particularly on dangerous assignments such as combat salvaging or freight shipping in dangerous areas. However we also provide security services to our clients.

Head of Security – vacant

Our Fleet

  • RSI Polaris “Nottingham” – Serving as a mobile HQ our Polaris is the jewel in the Node crown. It is primarily used by our security division where we need to project power and security into hostile areas of space.
  • RSI Constellation Andromeda “The Tranter” – The Andromeda is a perfect balance of shipping capacity and defensive capability, making it an ideal vessel for us to use when shipping cargo to dangerous areas
  • Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer “Sunder” – The workhorse of our salvage missions
  • RSI Constellation Phoenix “Pegasus” – Primarily used by our board members as an executive transport, the Phoenix also has a more than ample cargo deck and enough firepower to make pirates regret picking on it!


If you think you have what it takes to join an elite team, as a pilot, gunner, navigator, comms officer, engineer, or any other relevant position, let us know. We are particularly interested in those who have an interest in mining, cargo transport and security.

Please note that some clients require travel to insecure systems. There will be inherent job risks and danger to life. Only apply if you are happy to accept these risks. Danger money is awarded on the basis of systems travelled to, and encounters with unlawful forces en-route.

Open roles

Some roles that we are particularly interested in recruiting for at this time are:
  • Logistics Captain – command a multi-crew cargo such as a Constellation Andromeda or Hull Variant, flying your crew and cargo safely to their destination.
  • Logistics Pilot – fly a large freight vessel under the command of a hand-picked, experienced captain, and learn from them, preparing yourself to one day take command of your own ship.
  • Security Pilot – pilot an escort ship, following logistical and mining expeditions on their operations and ensuring their safety at all times.
  • Security Officer – stationed aboard Node assets such as our freight vessels, mining platforms and capital class defense ships, Security Officers are responsible for manning turrets and operating weapons systems. They are also responsible for repelling attacks in the event of a hostile boarding.
  • Ship’s Engineer – balance power to shields, weapons systems and engines under the command of your captain, repair damage to your ship and perform any other necessary engineering duties.

Please note: if you are not interested in the above roles, we may still have a slot for you. Please apply and state your interest.



Node Industries is striving to become a market leader in cargo transport and mining.

Here at Node, we are looking for a diverse range of people that we can help to succeed. We will give you the opportunity to take on responsibilities that other organisations won’t. Want to organise a long-range, deep-space transportation expedition? Want to lead a security task-force in a hostile system? Come to Node and we will give you that chance.


Node Industries provides a range of services to suit your needs. Just get in touch and we can arrange a section of our diverse fleet to meet your needs.

We often get asked: “Will you travel to [insert system here]?” The answer is yes! We will travel to any location that you require in order to complete your contract.


We calculate pricing for jobs based on travel distance, route risk factor (RRF), and amount and value of cargo. This is as per UEE recommendations for the industry.


Node Industries is more than just a for-profit organisation. We are striving to make the universe a better, safer and more pleasant place to live. Our Key goals are:

  1. To push the boundaries of transportation, logistics and mining technologies through some of the most exciting projects in the universe.
  2. To help in the success of all Node members whilst a member of Node, both in their Corporation undertakings and otherwise.
  3. To ensure the safety of all Node members whilst undertaking their duties.
  4. To expand into new ventures and business opportunities so far as our resources, skill-sets and key values allow.



Node Industries strive to ensure that all of our undertakings are strictly legal. Any members found to be breaking the law will be subject to discipline and may be asked to leave.


As a law-abiding corporation, Node does not tolerate piracy. Our security forces will come to the aid of any non-hostile ships under attack within the vicinity, so long as this does not endanger our own personnel and assets beyond what is deemed necessary.


We strive to be an inclusive organisation and will therefore consider applications from anyone who thinks they may bring something to Node, whatever their experience, resources, etc.

Member Training and Diversity

As part of our efforts to develop and assist our members, Node will try to ensure that they receive any training that members ask for and that Node have the ability to deliver. We will also ensure that all members have the opportunity to try any of the job roles that they wish – employees may apply for transfers at any time, and we will strive to accommodate this.


Node Industries has certain expectations of our employees. As well as following corporation rules and values, we expect members to:

  • As far as they can, participate fully in Node in-game activities and the wider Node community. However, we know that you have lives outside of Star Citizen and we don’t expect to give them up.
  • Work at all times for the interests of the corporation. This doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything non-corporation related in-game, but we expect you to keep our values in mind and not to carry out any acts that could be detrimental to Node or its reputation.
  • Respect one-another and to not be abusive in any way.