The organisation ‘Oddysee’ was founded by Alasmon Necrithious under the handle ‘Cykhat’ in 2012. The organisation was founded originally with the end goal of providing a home to mercenaries and privateers. As a home for mercenaries the organisation operates as a Private Military Corporation that is fully self sufficient.
The name of the organisation ‘Oddysee’ is derived from the word Odyssey meaning “an extended journey or Trip”. ‘Oddysee’ is a purposely misspelled version of the original word as sort of a spin off to signify the off atmosphere and people within the organisation, of which is ‘Odd’.
The organisation was registered to the Robert Space Industries Organisation register early 2014.
The organisation only truly became active in recruitment for it early June 2014, growing ever since.
02/02/2014 – Organisation registered on Robert Space Industries organisation register
23/06/2014- Mr Moore, Alias; ‘DrunkLordTom’ selected as Executive officer in order to ensure organisation growth. Chosen due to his vast experience with Space Sims and organisations. Captained and piloted a Super-carrier Class ship (Nyx) on the game Eve online.
04/07/2014 – Teamspeak server established, contact Cykhat for details.
02/09/2014 – NavySquid Promoted to Public relations officer
03/09/2014 – Rank system underwent changes, Manifesto updated.
06/09/2014 – Apple Joe appointed to CO of LID
24/09/2014 – Alasmon Necrithious, Voss, skoma, and cainsrebel added to web design team.
01/11/2014- Demonseed Elite appointed SOD CO
22/12/2014- Cainrebel appointed PR XO
26/04/2015- Pontiff Vrax appointed PR CMC, Wood Haus appointed SOD XO
24/05/2015- Osmosys appointed LID CMC
05/10/2017- Lord Corwin appointed LID CO
At Oddysee, our goals are simple.
We aim to provide paramount private military corporation services to our clients. Services range from simple escort missions to assassinations, the aid of other organisations and even the exploration of the Star Citizen universe.
Oddysee isn’t only honoured to offer the best security/military contract work money can buy; we also trade in commerce and transportation. As an organisation, we highlight the importance of all supply lines throughout the universe and offer security for all our clients’ trade routes.
What do we offer to new and existing members of the organisation? Here at Oddysee we see ourselves as a family; the uppermost objective being to provide a welcoming and entertaining environment. We pride ourselves in the diversity and promotion of multiculturalism and the ability to cater for people all across the universe.
We plan on running missions 24/7, which is only possible with active members across multiple time zones. As a family, we strongly believe in going that ‘extra mile’ (or light-year). This runs parallel with the idea of those who work hard have more to gain from and within the organisation. Here at Oddysee we strongly believe in rewarding those who go that bit further within the family.
Oddysee (Odyssey) means an ‘extended journey’ or an ‘intellectual/spiritual quest. Star Citizen is going to be YOUR adventure and here at Oddysee we hope we can be a part of it. If you are interested in joining please contact an officer or recruitment agent.
If you’re interested in the trade that we supply please contact an officer within the organisation, we are open to any missions you may have in mind.
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