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Premier Mercenary Services / PMS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

“Big guns never tire.”
-Premier Mercenary Services


Our history

Premier Mercenary Services is a small but elite group of EU players, founded through the online space MMO, Eve Online. We have become a small but true group of friends who game together in all kinds of scenarios, from FPS to MMOs and have all been tested in high pressure, teamwork-intensive and leadership roles. We are constantly training and developing our teamwork skills on similar platforms and are all eager to step foot in Star Citizen and test our mettle against the persistent universe.

Our organisation in Star Citizen was created within minutes of being able to do so, and is therefore one of the oldest organisations in the game. Although small now, we hope to make our name inspiring and prestigious to our friends and allies, and a herald of dark times for our enemies.

We hope to build on our core player-base to make an elite group able to take on the giants in the universe, and hopefully build long term relationships where everyone in PMS can prosper.

We are predominantly very combat focused as individuals, but as an organisation we are looking to take players of all interests, and will need explorers to scout, traders to aid financial interests, industrial minds to create munitions as well as hosts of other roles that go hand-in-hand with a military corporation. In return we offer you free escorts, a constant and steady demand for munitions as well as the chance to fly with us into dangerous space and explore the unknown.

Recruitment is currently closed, however feel free to drop an application and we will save your details for our recruitment drive


Who we are and what we will be

Premier Mercenary Services will predominantly be a combat focused organisation, seeking to profit by aiding in existing wars and disputes; through space superiority, area denial, espionage and trade/supply disruption.

We aim to create a tight knit group of skilled and experienced players and will be capable of funding and piloting uncommon/specialist vessels; we prefer to be a precision knife stroke in our clients wars, not a hammer blow.

We plan to conduct our business in a professional and efficient manner; with the etiquette expected of a service provider and the brutality needed of a private military contractor. We are keen to create strong bonds with other mercenary organisations and the clients whom hire our services, for the benefits of all member parties. We will also be looking to make strong ties with industrial organisations with the intention of symbiotic relations, in the form of indefinite protection for indefinite supplies, as needed.

What we are looking for

Although we are a mercenary corporation having our own exploration, trade and industry-inclined playerbase will benefit the corporation massively as the organisation’s fund will be going into it’s members pockets. We are therefore looking to recruit members of any branch of SC life. If you want exploration we can promise you a very well armed fleet convoy to explore the most dangerous parts of space, and in return use your skillset to scout out our enemy. If construction and industry are your game then we will have continuous and steady demand for ammunition, ship modifications and infantry equipment, so you will always have a steady demand no matter what the local economy is like. In addition to this being in a military corporation means there will never be a shortage of experienced PVP players available to escort you on trade runs through low-security space.

And, of course, we are looking for eager and able players who’re inclined towards PVP combat. We don’t discriminate on what package you have backed for, we have enough spare ships to share around. As long as you’re keen, loyal and willing to learn and evolve with us then you’re welcome to apply to join PMS.

If you wish to join with the intention of being a crewman on our larger vessels such as the Idris, or wish to partake in FPS elements of the game such as boarding, then you are more than welcome to join us as that will be a large part of our activity in the PU. Please note that if you apply you won’t instantly be given a place on the Idris, you will need to show your loyalty and decent skills in the role of gunner/support crew before the Idris Captain will take you on. It is down to the Captain of each multi-crew vessel to accept whether they take you on as crew, so make sure you find out who to impress. Officers can give recommendations to Captains, as well as your current Captain can give recommendations if you wish to proceed from Constellation gunner to Idris gunner for example.

If you are interested in joining Premier Mercenary Services but have questions or queries, please feel free to contact an Admiral/recruiter.

If you are a representative of another organisation and are interested in forming a coalition or service-for-service agreement please contact an Admiral and we will discuss with you your interests and how we can work together in the PU.

Our current military strength is:

Aurora CL
Aurora ES
Aurora LN
Aurora LX
x2 Aurora MR
Mustang Alpha
Mustang Beta
Mustang Gamma
Mustang Delta
350r Racer
2× 325a Fighter
315p Explorer
Hornet FC7
x2 FF7C-M Super Hornet
F7C-S Hornet Ghost
x2 F7c-R Hornet Tracker
Cutlass Blue
Cutlass Red
x2 Cutlass Black
Freelancer MIS
Freelancer DUR
Freelancer Max
x3 Avenger
2x Constellation Andromeda
Constellation Phoenix
Constellation Aquila
Constellation Taurus
3x M50
Xi’an Scout
x2 Banu Merchantmant
x2 Retaliator
x2 890 Jump
x2 Idris-P Frigate
Idris-M Frigate
x2 Carrack
Captured Vanduul Scythe

(Updated: 22/01/2014 00:22 GMT)


I – Organisation Purposes and Workings

The purpose and goal of Premier Mercenary Services’ command is to create a small and tight knit community, where every member can benefit from being a cog in the machine. Members will be organised into Wings in which an Admiral and subsequent hierarchy will accept contracts on half of PMS and be responsible for their completion. A percentage of this contract pay will go to the organisation coffers to fund subsequent endeavors, and the remainder will be split between members based on rank and activity (members not involved in a contract will not receive contract pay etc). The pay increase per rank will be set up to give fair payouts to each member, with slight increases to higher ranks who will often be under higher responsibilities and at more risk of loss due to piloting larger or more specialist vessels. The percentage of earnings taken from completed contracts by PMS will be used for administration, reimbursement where necessary, maintenance of larger vessels and for future investments.

Although we will be predominantly combat focused, all trades are welcome in PMS and we can find a use for you in our group no matter what you enjoy. If you’re into exploration, you can make a great scout, if you like to salvage, come along as a support role and salvage the enemy wrecks, if you like manufacturing the corp will always buy your goods. Also being in a military-based corp there should never be a shortage of people to fly as escort for you if you wish to strike into Vanduul space in search of profits, or need to transport goods through a low security area of space.

II – Organisation Rules

– Under no circumstances is a member to cause injury or financially harm another member (except in organised events such as manhunts, in-house free-for-all tournaments, live-action training etc). Infighting is strictly prohibited and will be met with severe punishment during a live contract; including a fine, removal from current contract shares, demotion, temporary suspension of privileges (short term demotion to Cadet rank), summary execution and/or banishment from PMS. Banishment will only be for the most dire circumstances (mutiny, sabotage/espionage, betrayal and desertion) and will list you as an enemy of PMS to be engaged and destroyed on sighting.
– During a contract all members within a Wing will be expected to assist and undertake any orders given by an Officer. This is flexible and if you have a valid reason not to help out that is fine, but constantly avoiding group contracts with the rest of your Wing will stunt your chances at promotion and income.
– Star Citizen is a game and real life comes first for all of us, no member is to be penalized from having to abandon their Wing due to RL commitments.
– During times between contracts members are free from the orders of Warrant Officers, however if a commissioned Officer (Lt. Cmdr or above) calls for a meeting or similar event it may be beneficial for members to join. During these periods members are free to go about their business solo or group up with other members.
– Successful boarding and capture of a vessel (unless it is to be given to a client in the agreed terms of service) will either be sold to fund PMS, stored as an asset of PMS for future use in contracts, or given as reward to members who have shown exemplary service or heroic action in the contract in which it was captured; at the commanding Officer’s discretion. Vessels captured outside of contracts can be done with as the capturing member(s) choose, however infighting over who commands said captured vessel will be punished and have the vessel removed and liquefied/absorbed into the corp assets, as it violates Law 1 of PMS.
- Members who have shown exemplary skills in a specific trade (and you really must be good at your role, it won’t be bestowed lightly) may receive the brevet rank of ‘([Trade] Specialist’, followed by their standard rank. This can only be bestowed by an Admiral and serves as a Warrant Officer’s rank. A Specialist functions as an advisor and expert at a specific trade (eg. Infiltration Specialist Corporal [Name]) and can be granted temporary officer command, privileges and responsibilities in wartime in order to train, assist or lead other members using their knowledge and expertise of the necessary trade. Specialists always defer to commissioned Officers, but must be obeyed by ratings and Warrant Officers unless commanded otherwise by an Officer.

General rules:
– Please have a sense of humour
– We are a mature group of players, but saying that we are also casual players, so in our teamspeak and channels there will be a degree of adult banter and joking. Take everything said in relaxed time between contracts with a pinch of salt.
- If you’re a yankee-doodle cousin from across the pond then you will be expected to spell words like ‘colour’, ‘organisation’ CORRECTLY or suffer banter at your expense.
– Direct abuse, racism etc will not be tolerated in-game, on teamspeak or on forums.
– If you wish to roleplay within the organisation we welcome that, but please do not expect every member to roleplay. Equally if you are not a roleplayer the rules are vice versa; please don’t unnecessarily break the immersion for roleplayers.
- Any British Officers in the corporation will be expected at all times of negotiation with enemies to talk like General Melchett (see youtube video at bottom of PMS homepage for reference).
- Fighter pilots will need to fit their ships in conjunction with PMS fitting guide in the persistent universe. Failure to comply could cause the loss of a valuable kill or worse, a loss of our own. Punishment for not using a sanctioned ship fit on an operation will be a small fine and humiliation in teamspeak. During free time or working in a group off-contract fit your ship as you wish, but the PMS fits will be designed to be as effective as possible in any scenario so it may be beneficial to keep it as a PMS operation-sanctioned fit.

III – Organisation Leadership

The leadership of PMC will be shared between the Admiralty for financial, emergency and critical situations (such as what contracts to take, reaction to enemy forces, etc) however we will be as democratic as possible when deciding what direction to take the organisation, and will have regular votes where all members above Cadet will be able to vote on.

IV – Command Structure & Promotion

Hierarchy (descending)


-Lt Commanders

Non-commissioned Officers:
-Warrant Officer

-Lance Corporal



Promotion within Premier Mercenary Services is split into two methods. Firstly, promotion at the discretion of an officer. This is the fairly standard method of promotion for military organisations where an officer who is impressed with a member’s efforts can choose to promote/demote a member, and can do so as often as they will.

The second method of promotion is through a poll in which a member can choose to apply for promotion without an officer input. This system has been designed so that members who feel they have contributed well in a contract but have been overlooked by their commanding Officer can still have a chance at promotion. Another example of this system would be that if a group of Corporals had been flying together between contracts and a leader figure had emerged between them who they feel is experienced enough for more responsibilities, they could initiate a vote for him/her to be promoted in this way.

A Poll Promotion requires 75% votes in favour of the promotion, with at least one vote in favour from a higher rank than the nominee. So a Sergeant who is taking a poll to be promoted to Warrant Officer would need a Warrant Officer or above to vote in favour of him as well as 75% votes in favour in order to succeed.

Charter is constantly evolving, please check back for updates, last updated 02/12/2014