Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Protectors of Verum / POV

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security

Belief needs no Religion, Humanity no Race
and Freedom no Piracy.
We believe in Justice and the chance to discover a World for our own.

(International group for adults with discordchat)


On the 27th of July, in the year 2750 the Republic were founded as a country, on the sovereign Planet Verum.
With a Triumvirate as gouverment, free education for everyone, free speech,
religion and no cultural line it seemed like a real Utopia.
But after 135 years of peace and growing, some radical elements, with the “Pious Union” leading the way,
started a civil war. The establishment, corrupted by the military, in the middle of “Iurisdictio” (the governmental city),
sent the national guard and makes an example on the radical Pious Union.
The other religious parties soon laid down their arms and gone back home. It seems that the conflict was over…

On the 29th of June, in the year 2886, one year after the massacre of Iurisdictio and after some trade blockades through the other countries,
a new conflict was born and a Cold War began.
On the 18th of December, in the year 2912 the government secretly began to build ships and bunkers under the biggest cities of the country,
to evacuate some parts of population in case of emergency.
As this was revealed by enemy intelligence spring 2933, the Conflict escalated.

The following nuclear holocaust was the essence of religious obstinacy and bad administration.
Billions of death people, in the cities of Verum, and a nuclear Fallout in every region of the Planet,
left our people no other choice but to leave their home and try to find a new one.
The Protectors of Verum were born.

2949-01-21 Organization revived by Ecthelion
2949-10-16 Steamgroup created.
2949-10-28 Facebook page created.
2950-03-28 We’re in the top 10 of most active organizations.



Regular does not mean that you have to play regularly, but that we support casual as hardcore gamers.
Our members only have to be online in our discordchat for a few hours every month.

Only applicants enlisted to Star Citizen before 01.01.2020 or friends of excisting members are welcome.
Also only main members, which are over 18 years old and particularly accept our Constitution.
Of course we do not accept people, which are affiliated with organizations which perform illegal activities,
or have something in their dossier which can be associated with same activities.
Only people who had direct contact (in Spectrumchat) with an officer have the chance to get accepted.

Currently a lot of leading positions are open and diligent members have good chances to improve in rank.


The primary mission of The Verum Navy is to protect our fleet and to find a new planet of our own.
As the history of Verum tells us, a perfect world cannot exist forever.
One must fight to protect and maintain all that we hold dear.
Our world may lay in ruin, but from the ashes we will rise. A new world will be ours, and the universe will know the name Verum.

Triumvir Election

The first Election, as declared in our Constitution starts when we have enough elective members and a Candidate.
All members ranked Admiral or higher can claim their candidacy and pledges in the election channel.
A few days later the current owner of the Organization declares the date and channel of the election (2-3 weeks).
To prevent fraud, the elective members have to say their names first and then the name of the candidate.

Next Election: none
Candidates: none
Elective members: 11


Military Ships
5 Aegis AvengerLTI (5 free places)
1 Aegis HammerheadLTI (9 free places)
2 Aegis Idris-PLTI – (16 free places)
1 Aegis JavelinLTI – (20 free places)
2 Aegis NautilusLTI (8 free places)
2 Aegis RedeemerLTI (8 free places)
1 Aegis Retaliator BomberLTI (6 free places)
1 Aegis Sabre CometLTI (1 free places)
1 Aegis Vanguard HarbingerLTI (4 free places)
2 Anvil LegionnaireLTI (4 free places)
1 Anvil ValkyrieLTI (5 free places)
5 Crusader AresLTI (4 free places)
1 Crusader Hercules M2LTI (5 free places)

Civil Ships
1 Aegis Reclaimer – 2YI (6 free places)
5 Anvil C8R PiscesLTI – (9 free places)
10Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition – 10YI (33 free places)
2 Anvil CarrackLTI (12 free places)
1 Anvil CrucibleLTI (4 free places)
3 Argo Mole CarbonLTI (12 free places)
3 Banu MerchantmanLTI (23 free places)
1 Consolidated Outland PioneerLTI (8 free places)
2 Drake CorsairLTI (8 free places)
1 Drake Cutlass RedLTI (2 free places)
1 Drake Kraken PrivateerLTI (10 free places)
2 Gatac RailenLTI (8 free places)
1 MISC Endeavor Olympic ClassLTI (5 free places)
3 MISC ExpanseLTI (3 free places)
1 MISC Hull ELTI (5 free places)
1 MISC Starfarer – 6MI (7 free places)
3 MISC Starfarer GeminiLTI (21 free places)
1 Origin 600i ExecutiveLTI (4 places)
1 Origin 890 Jump – 5YI – Not for reservation
2 RSI Apollo Medivac – 10YI (4 free places)
1 RSI Constellation Phoenix – 6MI (4 free places)
3 RSI Orion Mining PlatformLTI (14 free places)

Other Vehicles
2 Anvil BallistaLTI
2 Greycat Roc – 10YI
3 Origin G12LTI
6 Tumbril CycloneLTI
1 Tumbril NovaLTI

Our members can make a reservation here (Don’t forget to log in first).


Currently we offer 4 missions on Friday, Saturday and Sundays:
Medical Training, Mining, Salvaging or test any ship from our hangar..
All weekly operations can be found here


Prime Directives

A Protect the fleet and our people
B Stay true to our principles and laws
C Occupy a planet and secure the zone around

Constitution of Verum

I. We will maintain our neutrality, and won’t make any business with Pirates, Smugglers or Slavers.

II. We only shoot on others if threatened or when they shoot on allied civilians.

III. We do not tolerate defaming or xenophobic behavior.

IV. No discussion of real-world religion and politics.

V. All Citizens have to be mainmembers, over the age of 18 years.

VI. Legislature (temporary suspended)
a) Every Triumvir will be elected for one year, and is responsible for the enforcement of the rules.

b) Changes in the Chatadministration, Chain of Command or Ranks, need the approval of 2 Triumvirs.

c) There must be minimum 2 and can be maximum 3 Triumvirs, to keep the Protectors of Verum to our directives.

d) At least 1 Triumvir should be from another continent than the other 2.

e) Campaign pledges must be fulfilled within 6 months of the Legislation,
or the regarding Triumvir has to lay down his function.

f) A Triumvir can handover his commission to a member, with the rank of a Lieutenant or higher,
with the approval of another Triumvir.

VII. Elections (temporary suspended)
a) Only Citizens which have the Protectors of Verum for more than 2 weeks as main Organization and
a Dossier with Location, custom avatar and minimum 1 sentence for that time, are eligible to vote.

b) Only members which always had the Protectors of Verum as main Organization, a Dossier with Location,
custom avatar, more than 3 sentences and the rank of a Division Commander can be elected as Triumvir.

c) Before the public election on the election channel, it is prohibited to ask members for whom they will vote.

d) The candidate needs a majority of 51 %, from the participating members,
and swear the Triumvir oath, as shown in the election channel, to get elected as Triumvir.

e) After the Triumvir election, the Owner of the Organization will be elected from members, ranked Sub Cmdr
or higher. The ownership of the Organization has to be transferred to an Triumvir with minimum 65 % majority or,
after the third Vote without result, to the current Owner’s preferred Triumvir .

f) The Triumvir and Organisations Owner Election must be published two weeks before.

VIII. Duty to help
a) If one of our Citizens or a civilian allied ship, with appropriate main membership,
asks for help and we are less than 5 minutes away, then we have the duty to assist.

b) We are committed to help as long as we are able to help.

c) If we helped one of our ships, then we can claim the repair costs of our ship, from the supported Captain.

IX. Respect the laws of every culture, as far as they don’t conflict with our own Constitution and Directives.

X. The Constitution of Verum or Prime Directives can only be changed with the approval
of above 90 % of voting main members, or the explicit approval of three Triumvirs.
The respective change, has to be announced 1 month in advance.

The Articles VII. and VIII. are active again, when a 2nd Triumvir was selected by the owner.

Chat Etiquette

1. Respect the Chain of Command.

2. Discussions are allowed, actually promoted, but without insulting a discussion partner.

3. Posts should always belong to the topic of each channel.
(The topic of each text channel is pinned or in the Headline)

Chain of Command

Triumvirs (5 Stars)
> First Ambassador (4 Stars) > Vice Ambassadors (3 Stars) > Emissaries (2 Stars)

> Section Commanders (4 Stars)
Military: Grand Admiral
Resources: Administrator
Science: The Wise

> Division Commanders (4 Stars)
- Escort Squadrons: Chief of Security
- Excursor Squadrons: Chief Excursor
- Verum Combat: Admiral
- Verum Communications: General

- GeoWin Corporation: Chief Executive Officer
- Eco Haulers: Logistics Operator
- Verum Recovery: Chief Reconstructor
- Legal Exchange: Prime Trader

- Omni Investigators: Seeker
- Seegson Incorporated: Chief Scientist
- Rosco Constructions: The Architect

> Commanders (4 Stars)
- Military: Captain/Colonel – Resources: Director – Science: Scientist/Head Constructor

> Sub Commanders (3 Stars)
- Military: Lieutenant – Resources: Foreman – Science: Assistant

> Ensign (2 Stars) > Citizen (1 Star) > Recruit (0 Star)

Only members which have added our Prefix, a Location, custom Avatar, minimum one sentence in their dossier, joined our Steamgroup and show activity, have the chance to get promoted. There are various types of showing activity:
  • - Appear in our discord-chat and take part on conversations.
  • - Taking part in our various spectrum threads, or create new threads.
  • - Take part in our tournaments and other games we play.
  • - Refer fitting members to the Protectors of Verum.

Please also note, that the ranks may change in name and the standards for promotion will get higher,
as we gain new members and new command officers appear in our ranks.

Punishment and Rewards

Depending on the offence, the punishmens will range from a temporary chat-ban to a kill-on-sight order.
Following the Rules, good Performance and Courtesy will be honoured and appreciated.
The Awards go from promotion, awards of positions on and gifts of new ships.

Please also note, that the Punishment for false accusations will be appropriate to the accusation made.