Regulators / REGSQUAD

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Resources

Welcome to the Regulators! We are an active but relaxed organization looking to enjoy this beautiful game called Star Citizen. We play all game loops and always look for creative ways to enjoy this game. We welcome all players, new and old to our organization and are always happy too help!


The Regulators Squadron was founded by 2AMGamer81 during the height of his streaming career. His vision was to have a laid back Organization of friends and supporters to explore and conquer the stars with. The Organization would be ran by a collective group of board members, all with equal say on the future of the Organization.

Sadly, on the 23rd of November, 2023 2AMGamer81 passed away due to health complications. The Organization and its community were shocked to its core. A memorial event in our Founder’s honor was planned, organized, and executed in game with the help of the Regulators Squadron and the entire Star Citizen Community. The Regulators honor 2AM’s memory annually with a military static display and flyby.

As difficult as it has been, the Regulators still drive forward in this game that we all love so much, just the way that 2AM would have wanted it. We will continue to lean forward in the foxhole in all things Star Citizen. The Regulators will make its way in the Verse.

Regulators, Mount Up


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