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The Renegades / RENGDE

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Star Citizen Rogues with their hearts at the right place

How do I join (18+)?

Renegades Discord or drop a message on our Spectrum page


RENEGADES is an idea, a creed, a rallying cry. Become a part of the Crew and our Community!

2953 A.D.

Note: If you are new to the game and want to learn more about us, the highlighted words in our history will lead you to RSI´s or casual Star Citizen Youtube channels and the highlited numbers1 to footnotes with related information to the specific topic regarding our lore.

Under the vast expanse of the Orison night sky, the three men gathered, their hearts heavy with the weight of their experiences. Tanky’s calloused fingers gripped the rough-hewn bottle of Smoltz, the golden liquid within mirroring the flickering stars above.
In the chill of the evening, the taste of the cool sparkling beer seemed to transport them momentarily to times when their burdens were lighter, and the universe less tumultuous.

“2953, a cursed year it has been,”

Geo spoke, his voice carrying the essence of ancient sagas passed down through generations. His gaze, like that of a seer, pierced the obsidian canopy above, searching for answers among the constellations that had witnessed the struggles of countless souls.

Smithy, his eyes like smoldering embers, joined his comrades in the ritualistic act of contemplation. As Tanky handed him the bottle, the exchange was laden with unspoken memories of battles fought and bonds forged in the crucible of the universe.

“Indeed, the winds have carried tales of hardships and trials,”

agreed Tanky, his words resonating like the echoes of an old skald’s song. With each sip, the warmth of the beverage coursed through his veins, a respite from the harsh realities of their time.

The sky above, a tapestry of twinkling lights, seemed to hold within its depths the stories of epochs gone by. The trio’s thoughts drifted to a distant place etched forever in their minds: Vega1
The air grew heavy with the scent of decay and the acrid tang of spilled fuel—a visceral reminder of their efforts to fend off the Vanduul invaders in 2945.

The battle for Vega had earned them recognition from the United Empire of Earth2, but time had a way of fading the fervor of triumphs.

“Glory may fade, but the scars of Vega remain,”

Geo’s voice resonated with a somber wisdom, capturing the essence of ancestral tales that whispered of the inevitability of trials.

A few days earlier, the eighth attack in a week had occurred—Scarabs licensed by the UEE. Any ship moving cargo without a permit was blown up, its cargo taken, leaving vessels stranded in the ‘verse. Unless the Scarabs took a liking to a ship, in which case it was left at a mining outpost with enough oxygen to barely make it to the outposts themselves.
It was a reflection of the double standards they faced, where they were seen as scum, even as half of their crews served the very UEE that fought the Vanduul threat.

“This is our thank you, I guess,”

Tanky hissed through clenched teeth.

“I’ve had enough of this shady double standard!”

replied Smithy. Geo’s Starrunner and Tanky’s white Eclipse had been seized by bribed UEE military personnel. Their idea to steal the ships back was gaining momentum.

As the conversation wove threads of reminiscence, the atmosphere shifted, as if the universe itself held its breath. Arcane energies swirled overhead, and from the celestial darkness emerged a colossal figure—the Stormwal. Its presence, a convergence of the mystical and the tangible, held an air of destiny’s design.
The Stormwal3, resplendent in its rosy-gray hue, moved with an elegance reminiscent of the mythic creatures from age-old legends. Iridescent fins shimmered like the banners of ancient warriors, catching starlight in a mesmerizing dance. The sight was nothing short of divine—a majestic spectacle that seemed conjured from the very heart of their ancestral stories.

Geo’s eyes, aglow with a newfound fervor, gazed upon the Stormwal. In that moment, it was as if the veils of time had lifted, revealing the bridge between past and present. The creature’s flight stirred echoes of forgotten chants, of tales sung in mead halls beneath starlit skies.
Tanky and Smithy, too, were entranced, their spirits intertwining with the saga unfolding overhead. The Stormwal’s ethereal flight felt like a tapestry woven by the gods themselves, a tapestry that linked their fates to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies.

In the presence of the wondrous Stormwal, the trio’s thoughts aligned as though guided by the unseen hand of destiny. The creature’s appearance held a significance beyond the mere laws of nature—it was a sign, a beacon urging them to seize their own narrative and reshape their destinies.
Geo’s gaze shifted from the celestial marvel to his comrades, and with a voice that resonated like an ancestral horn, he proclaimed,

“Gather the old crew.”


1 The feared Vanduul invasion finally arrived in 2945, when a large Clan accompanied by a rarely-sighted Kingship entered the system and launched a direct attack on Vega II. The UEE Navy’s 2nd Fleet, commanded by Admiral Ernst Bishop, had been tracking scouts of this Clan and was in the area when the attack was launched. After a lengthy battle, the vastly outnumbered UEEN forces managed to destroy the Kingship and drive the Vanduul out of the system. The effects on Vega II were devastating; entire cities were wiped out and the death toll was in the millions.

2 The United Empire of Earth (UEE) is the name of the current Human governmental body. It is led by a democratically elected Imperator; a Tribunal of High-Advocate, High-Secretary, and High-Command; and a legislative body (UEE Senate) composed of elected representatives from Human-controlled planets. The UEE was formed after the conclusion of the First Tevarin War in the 26th century.

3 The stormwal is a warm-blooded vertebrate indigenous to Crusader (Stanton II), United Empire of Earth (UEE). Some stormwals can reach 100 meters in length upon reaching adulthood. They are most commonly rosy-gray in color, with iridescent red fins and lightly-striped hides flecked with gold. Deep blue stormwals with blue-gray fins have also been observed. They have long, spade-shaped snouts and four eyes, two on each side of the head. Four long barbels trail off the head from the chin and the brow, which are used alongside the filaments on their pectoral, dorsal, and tail fins to sense the miniscule electrical fields of aeroplankton and kiami, their main prey.


Disappointed of the UEE and their former employer The Renegades were founded by UEE Veterans and a bunch of mercenaries in early 2953 on the Planet Crusader (more Information in our history).

Their goal:
Keep the old crew together and forming a Community where everyone, no matter their specialisation, could find shelter and ambitioned companions.

In late 2953 they decided to create three independent chapters:

The Combat Chapter, consisting of battlehardened, former UEE Navy or Army personel and soldiers of fortune.

The Contractors Chapter, consisting of citizens who think that Industry or Exploration are some of the pillars of our society.

A Critical Care Chapter, lead by experienced former UEE Navy Combat Medics, was the only logical answer for a capability gap to ensure the Organizations growing need for medical treatment in the Universe after the founding of the first two chapters.

As you may have seen on our Youtube channel, we are also interested in Machinima or creating content.
If you are an creative mind or want to test out your creativity, you will find support in our ranks.

How do I get into contact with you and how do I join?

If you want to get into contact with one of us either join our Discord directly, or jump on our Spectrum page and drop a message.

Do I have to stick to a chapters expertise after i chose one?

Not necessarily. We try to offer weekly events, either regarding a chapters specialisation, or with a random topic. Our Chapters lead and u will work together in order to optimize the inner chapter capabilities, but you are free to gather experience in every chapters field of expertise and attend their events.

If you want to learn more about Renegades lore, check the Renegades Youtube Channel .


1. We follow CIGs Terms of Service

2. We encourage our members to comply the rules of conduct

3. Setting our org as primary is not mandatory, but we ask you to inform leadership about it.

4. Real life first!

Size of the Org
We want to stay at a maximal small/medium sized level (30-50 active players).

Our goals
- Sharing our joint expertise and experience
- Social, and newcomer friendly environment
- Forming a Crew you can rely on (Quality over Quantity)
- A Star Citizen community without a mililtarized but effective structure

What we expect

  1. Be proud of being a Renegade
  2. Don´t harass others
  3. Don´t grief
  4. We prefer a good conversation or a hearty laugh over ingame success, although we want to push things forward
  5. Casual players are welcome
  6. Inactivity isn´t a reason to be removed, but give us a short heads up if this is the case for whatever reasons
  7. Be a rogue with your heart at the right place. Even Rogues can be fair!

After you joined
Please first join our discord.
Due to some experiences in our past you will be in prospect (trial) state after joining. Your chapter lead, mods and Organization lead will decide when it is time to become a full member.
Changing your membership from trial to full member can also be recommended by a random full member.

After you joined our discord you have the possibility to choose between 3 chapters ( your preferred gameplay ):

- Combat Chapter – Combat related FPS/Flight
- Critical Care Chapter – Medical Gameplay/Expertise
- Contractors Chapter – Industrial, Commerce, Exploration Gameplay

Every Chapter will have it´s own lead.
The task of chapters lead is to plan, set up events, keep an overview and be a point of contact for you.
If you have ideas for events or want to contribute by organizing, you are very welcome.

After joining there will be a short interview with a mod or your preferred chapters lead.
Idea of this interview is to learn about your intentions and answer your questions.
After the interview and answering your questions you are free to decide if you either officially apply to our Organization or not.

Our aim is not to be one of the biggest and best Organizations in the Verse.
Although success isn´t always what you aim for it could come casually.
You reap what you sow!