Here at Salty Sardine Solutions we aim to deliver a small strike team for what ever profession you may choose. As of date we are capable of providing three main features that can assist you in your day to day operations. These solutions are Surface, Shipping, and Salvage.
Find your solution today!
We were founded by a team of like minded individuals looking to make an aUEC or two by providing support to larger org’s. Think of us as an easy button if you require a hand. Here we offer a variety of services to handle your every day needs.
Do you require assistance in securing and holding a ground objectives? Look no further, because we utilize our Carrack to act as our mobile spawn base. From here we have two options. Drop in via Pisces, or utilize our Nursa rover for a more intimate approach.
Do you require large sums of cargo “relocated”? We can do that too!
Do you require a ship to be erased from existence? We got a salvage ship for that!
Salty Sardines Surface Solutions:
If what you’re looking for is a more “hands on” approach we are happy to offer a team of extremely salted sardines to drop down feet first into heck and secure ground objectives.
Equipment available for Surface operations:
Nursa Rover
Pisces Medical
Salty Sardines Shipping Solutions:
Luckily to date, we can handle quite large quantities of cargo due to large investments from some of my fellow Sardines we have access to a plethora of cargo related ships.
Equipment available for Shipping:
Salty Sardines Salvage Solutions:
When it comes to cleaning up a landing zone or just the ye old loot and scoot, our salvage teams are the best. Thanks to carelessness from the part of our fellow citizens, there seem to be an unlawful amount of ships left around our beautiful universe. Here at Salty Sardines Salvage Solutions we have a final solution! Be it by legal or morally gray we’re here for you.
Equipment available for Shipping:
Rules of the Sardines!
1) Thou shall not fire unless fired upon
2) Any shenanigans, roguishness, or down right Tom foolery will be summarily executed
3) Honestly we’re not all that serious, just looking to get more people on to assist with larger operations.
Thanks for your time!
Cmdr DJ-Diddles
Salty Sardine