Scarab Mercantile / SCARABMERC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources

I will fill myself with the desert and the sky. I will be stone and stars, unchanging and strong and safe. The desert is complete; it is spare and alone, but perfect in its solitude. I will be the desert. -Kiersten White


Vosca: Third Planet of Elysium. A harsh desert world with raging sandstorms and inhospitable temperatures. In these sands, the Scarab Clan thrived where most were consumed by the desert. From Reza’s Landing, the Scarab Clan created a merchant guild that traversed the UEE territories. Branches of the Clan would leave their homeworld on long voyages, finding systems where they could build commerce and establish small colonies where they could extend their reach. Acclimated to desert climates, the Scarab members would find planets and moons with similar climates to their homeworld.
In the Stanton System, Scarab Mercantile setup an outpost on Daymar: while the nitrogen-methane atmosphere of the 2nd moon of Crusader is toxic, the desert conditions and occasional sandstorms give the tribe a symbolic ‘home’ in Stanton. While they remain neutral with Stanton’s politics and corporation rulers, the Scarab Mercantile will not back down from pirates or turn down a citizen in need, with both a strong private security force and rescue team.


We are a clan, first and foremost. We look after our own.
We are merchants, we trade honestly, we develop our reputation through lawful and honorable trade, we earn our credits through faithful transactions.
We have a number of operations:
Trade- our primary objective and operation. Through trade and commerce we establish our mark on the galaxy. through the creation of friendships, colleagues and allies, we offer supply and goods to organizations and establishments.
Security- We protect our own and the innocents of the verse through our own security and military assets. Rather than depending on the UEE or security of the system, scarab mercantile provides its own security. We also do bounty hunting and combat against pirates and griefers who would harm our fellow citizens of the verse.
Rescue- we also offer available rescue operations for citizens who may be stranded in either space with no fuel, or injured parties in remote locations.
We are law abiding citizens. we do not take part in illegal actions such as piracy and we prohibit members from any form of griefing. While our trade is legal, and we condone illegal goods, we are a neutral party to any corporation or branch of government and therefore we will provide commerce and trade opportunities to all parties regardless of political affiliation.


1: Honorable Trade- we earn our keep through lawful and beneficial trades and negotiations. We will not extort from fellow citizens or take advantage of players. We will offer fair prices and merchandise based on products, services provided and time and effort spent. We will not cripple economies or take part in the sale or purchase of illegal commodities including (but not limited to) slaves, harmful or addictive substances, and weaponry or supplies to known pirate orgs or groups.
2: No griefing- we are not pirates or griefers. we only take part in combat that involves protecting citizens of the verse and in the hunting of dangerous quarries. We do not grief, we do not bully, and we do not cause strife or pain among citizens of the verse.
3: Respect the chain of command- we are not a military, we are a clan. We are not a corporation, we are family. We are merchants. and the best way to contribute to the wellbeing of the verse and to all its inhabitants is through coordination. the Board Members, the leaders of our organization have the final say in matters. Changes to the roster, rules, and charter of the org must be put to a vote by our members. Bans can occur if major infractions against the Org Charter are witnessed and recorded without a vote of the board members, if the admin has just cause for the ban.
4: Acceptance- we are family. families fight. families don’t always see eye to eye. We won’t always agree. We won’t always like each others opinions, beliefs, or stances; grow up. we are a clan, and we overcome differences to stand united. We accept all members regardless of creed, religion, orientation, political views, race, language, or background. As long as you come with good faith and good standing for the good of the verse as a whole, you are welcome.
5: avoid real world problems: the verse is our escape from the many problems the real world present. As such, we acknowledge that stress, depression, and real world problems can cause hardships. Political views, religious views, backgrounds, or beliefs can be shared, but are discouraged topics as they can incite conflict within the org. we do not by any means encourage divisive discussion or infighting so remain polite, understanding, and if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.