Red Cross / SCRC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Social

Inter Arma Caritas – In War, Charity

SCRC brings the spirit of the Red Cross to the Verse by providing resources to players pursuing humanitarian game play.

Members DO NOT have to be full time humanitarians or pacifists. They are only expected to honour SCRC principles when flying SCRC colours.


The Red Cross idea was born in 1859, when Henry Dunant, a young Swiss man, came upon the scene of a bloody battle in Solferino, Italy, between the armies of imperial Austria and the Franco-Sardinian alliance. Some 40,000 men lay dead or dying on the battlefield and the wounded were lacking medical attention.

Dunant organized local people to bind the soldiers’ wounds and to feed and comfort them. On his return, he called for the creation of national relief societies to assist those wounded in war, and pointed the way to the future Geneva Conventions.

“Would there not be some means, during a period of peace and calm, of forming relief societies whose object would be to have the wounded cared for in time of war by enthusiastic, devoted volunteers, fully qualified for the task?” he wrote.

The Red Cross was born in 1863 when five Geneva men, including Dunant, set up the International Committee for Relief to the Wounded, later to become the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Today, medical personnel during an armed conflict carry out humanitarian work and are “protected persons” under international humanitarian law. Whether military or civilian, they are considered non-combatants and may not be attacked and not be taken as prisoners of war by parties to a conflict. They use a protective sign such as the red cross, red crescent, or red crystal. Attacking medical personnel, vehicles, or buildings marked with one of these protective signs is a war crime.


The core objectives of the SCRC is to support humanitarian game play and to earn recognition and protection for Red Cross Volunteers in the Verse.

The SCRC is a base for players who have a common goal of doing humanitarian work in the Verse. Members DO NOT have to be full time humanitarians or pacifists. They are only expected to honour SCRC principles when flying SCRC colours.

The SCRC provides resources such as ships, supplies, information and guidance. It also maintains a database of players who want to participate in humanitarian game play like search and rescue missions and battlefield medicine.


SCRC is a community of volunteers pursuing fun medical and rescue based game play. The level of participation is up to each individual. The amount of coordination with fellow SCRC members is up to each individual also. Some members will be team oriented and might orchestrate complex SCRC campaigns for large scale battles. Some members will be independent and might do search and rescue missions by themselves. The SCRC will support teams and lone wolves alike with resources, guidance and pride.

The only place where there is no compromise at SCRC is in pursuit of its core objective. SCRC’s core objective is to foster a culture of humanitarianism and protection for Red Cross volunteers in the Star Citizen Universe. To earn and maintain a protected status on the battlefield for anyone baring the Red Cross emblem, members operating under SCRC colours must consistently do good work for fellow citizens and uphold ICRC’s fundamental principles.

The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavours – in its international and national capacity – to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, co-operation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.

It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours only to relieve suffering, giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress.

In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

The Red Cross is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of t heir Governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross principles.

Voluntary Service
The Red Cross is a voluntary relief organization not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.

There can be only one Red Cross Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.

The Red Cross is a world-wide institution in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other.

SCRC is intended to be a community of players who have a common goal of doing some humanitarian work in the Verse. Members DO NOT have to be full time humanitarians or pacifists. They only have to abide by the Fundamental Principles when flying SCRC colours.

SCRC will provide resources such as ships, supplies, information and guidance. It will also build a database of players who want to do search and rescue missions, provide mobile medical services, and/or act as field medics. Between the group resources and player network, SCRC acts as a virtual base camp for citizens looking to do some humanitarian work in the Verse.

Observers can sign up without any expectations or benefits. This allows players to see SCRC from within. When an Observer is ready to play under the SCRC colours, they can request a promotion to Volunteer

To become a Volunteer, an Observer must confirm they understand the Fundamental Principles of the SCRC and state that they will uphold them whenever playing under SCRC colours. With this understanding, a Volunteer can start playing under SCRC colours and begin building their reputation as a humanitarian.

Humanitarians are Volunteers with some humanitarian experience, track record and reputation. It does not matter if this experience is earned with a team or individually. For establishing a clear intention and ability to help fellow Star Citizens, Humanitarians gain access to SCRC resources.

Humanitarian Leader
Humanitarian Leaders are Humanitarians who have made a sustained effort to help fellow Star Citizens while proving trust worthy with SCRC resources. Their track record and reputation earn them access to more valuable SCRC resources to help further their causes.

Council Delegate
Council Delegates are Humanitarian Leaders who have demonstrated exemplary trustworthiness, excellent resource management, and a sustained commitment to humanitarian work in the Verse. Council Delegates are in charge of SCRC operations and work directly with Observers, Volunteers, Humanitarians, and Humanitarian Leaders. Council Delegates are in charge of allocating and tracking the return/loss of resources. They are also in charge of building and granting access to SCRC databases. Delegates report to the Chief Delegate.

Chief Delegate
The Chief Delegate is the head of operations and is charged with managing resources and data through the Delegates. The Chief Delegate must protect SCRC resources and information while supporting the humanitarian work of SCRC members. The Chief Delegate reports to the Council.

Council Member
Council Members are SCRC members who have made a career of humanitarian work in the Verse while consistently helping SCRC achieve its core objective. Council Members can be any rank but need to have an established history with SCRC and an impeccable reputation. Council Members serve on the Council.

The Council
The Council is a governing board that writes policies and oversees operations for SCRC.

In order of priority, the Council has three Mandates:

1. Advance the reputation and core objective of SCRC by ensuring the Charter, actions and spirit of the SCRC are aligned with, promote and live up to the Fundamental Principles.

2. Ensure the longevity, vitality and ability of the SCRC by overseeing the use of its resources, to increase them and to protect against their waste and loss.

3. Make sure SCRC is a relevant and fun organization by evolving it to keep up with the evolution of the Verse and the members’ wants.

The Council is comprised of up to 13 Council Members. Members are selected by standing Council Members and must be re-elected annually.

The Council is in charge of writing and approving SCRC policies and assigning ranks and promotions. Council meetings are conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order. Over 50% of Council Members are required for quorum.

Any member believed to be violating SCRC principles or acting in a way that might jeopardize SCRC or its reputation will have their case brought to the Council. By majority vote, the Council can demote or revoke the membership of the member in question.

Council Chair
The Council Chair coordinates and conducts Council meetings, liaises with the Chief Delegate, and reports on the state of the organization to the Council. In the rare instance of a tie vote, the Chair’s vote counts as two.

The Founder
The Founder has no official duties but has one extraordinary power intended to protect the organization during its early stages. The Founder holds a veto power that can be used to overturn Council decisions. The veto should only be used in extreme circumstances and with the three Council Mandates in mind.