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Shadow Guard / SGDA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The Shadow Guardian Special Agency is a top secret Organisation to maintain a good powerplay in the verse.

We are the gardian betwen each organisation while we are staying in the shadow.


Its a Secret.


We are promoting good player and ensure the verse security by all mean necessary.

Infiltration, gathering information, data manipulation and resend it to make certain that the verse will go in the direction it need.

Ship’s can be assigned to you depending on the situation, your skill’s and you rank.


  1. - Always Respect superior Order.
  2. - Promotion are awarded by your’s skill’s, what you are able to do and by respecting the other rules.
  3. - Always report your duty to your assigned superior.
  4. - Dont engage in criminal activity whithout the conscent of the Shadow or the Reaper’s authorization. (Dark agent are authorized to order Criminal activity).
  5. - Do not Engadge whithout authorization. (Do not aply to assigned comanding officer).
  6. - On your free time you are free to do whatever you want. Only make certain that your action will not go agains our goals and rules.
  7. - The SGDA Shadow Guardian Deffence Agency Is Top Sercret you bury this secret with you no mater what.