Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Shelby Mining Corp / SHELBYCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security

Welcome to the Shelby Mining Corp

Star Citizen’s Most Lucrative Mining Organization
Founded in 1919
Now Recruiting!

Visit us on Discord. That’s where the money trail begins!



The Shelby Mining Corp is a limited company owned by the Shelby Family.
It is a successful business that continues to thrive through the 2950s.
Mr.Shelby is the Chair and founder of the company,
While the company was founded with deep roots in criminal activity it has since cut all ties with underground activity and has set focus on making an earnest living.


Manifesto of the Shelby Mining Corp Network

SMC is a group of mining, escort and trading experts from relevant research institutions and infrastructure initiatives
committed to build inter system alliances that are based on trust, loyalty, and cooperation.
Other initiatives such as the Lier Coalition Liberation is a critical part of the SCM’s ultimate goal of occupying Leir and positioning ourselves at the center of all mining, trading and security sectors.
As is the case with SMC, so is Squadrons committed to the LCL principles. The group will collabo-
rate closely on what is called the Lier Object model. Inter organizational practices increasingly depend on high quality and interlinked partnership.

The focus of SMC will always be to create a safe and enjoyable player experience where one feels part of a family and not just a replaceable number as seen in so many organizations.

We strive to make every member feel included but also a core part of the SMC.

The method of work will be as follows:

• New members to be trained and assigned squads.
• Squads to be assigned captains
• Squads to be given the freedom to plan and execute mining expeditions autonomously.
• Clear promotion procedures to provide growth opportunities within the SMC
•SMC hosted events weekly/monthly to ensure group-based activities continues to be at the forefront of our focus.

The reason to participate in the SMC initiative as a member is clear. We want to provide the best SC experience possible making players feel part of a family while assisting and training new players to become the best SC citizen they can be without enduring the steep learning curve of the SC universe.

Guiding Purpose:

• Group oriented gameplay.
• Training and improving new player experience
• Occupying the Lier system.
• Positioning ourselves as a core part of not only the mining sector but the security and trading sectors as well


• Train all new members
• Squad assignments to increase autonomous fleet expeditions
• Increase SMC’s capital to assist new players
• Form a formidable security and mining force through multiple experienced squads
• Occupy Lier System

Founding Members:

• Mr. Shelby *CEO*/Chariman
• Mino *COO*/Chief Operating Officer
• Mormon *CBO*/Chief Business Officer
• ID *CFO*/Chief Financial Officer
• Lukalazi *CSO*/Chief Security Officer
• The Dark One *CMO*/Chief Marketing Officer
TBA *CGO*/Chief General Officer
• WhiskeyTangoFerret *CHRO*/Chief Human Resource Officer


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.