Sons of Guns / SOGNS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Scouting


We live in Discord https://discord.gg/4xdZgVT

Stop in and introduce yourself first and foremost…


Started by former and active military, law enforcement, pilots, and civilian contractors with questionable beliefs and no mental health professionals to refer to in dire times, Sons of Guns is a conglomerate of wills and a clash of titans with egos the same size as their resumes. Whether God, fate, or science; the presumption is that we are all here for a reason and that reason became very apparent after the core group of us started flying together. We haven’t stopped flying together.


We enjoy real camaraderie without the whining, drama, or political correctness. Most of our current members are civilian professionals, retired and current military, law enforcement, and pilots. Even though we are a more military style group in organization and skill sets, we do not do artificial rank structure… because fuck that…

We like helping out our new guys in the game and will help provide enough money and training to get you armed and ready. We also share our inventory of ships so you are not limited to your own inventory. We don’t make any demands on your time or online requirements as we all have lives outside of Star Citizen. Instead, we provide a place for you to join like minded members when your time permits. One night we can be escorting freighters to safety and the next night have bounties on our heads. We fight in space, atmosphere, and land. We have more fun than your should be allowed to have in this game…

We do not allow streaming of our events or game play. If you are a streamer and enjoy that attribute of gaming, we are not the organization for you. Our members prefer to communicate, plan, and execute missions without (unknowingly) being streamed to the general public. If you are caught streaming any Sons Of Guns game play, it is an immediate lifetime ban. Please respect our right to privacy or pay dearly and end up on a list if you do not.


We are primarily mil/vet/le/pilot/civ contractors irl.
We do not do traditional rank structure.
We do not allow streamers.