Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Roberts Transport Industries / SPACEFARER

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Exploration

“Space… the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of our starships.

Our ongoing mission: to haul it all, BIG or small to strange new worlds, to seek

out new contracts and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.”



The HISTORY Section Below Describes in a 'Role Playing' fashion how Roberts Transport Industries Organization came to being. Please remember, we are under continuous DEVELOPMENT and will be UPDATED often...
HISTORY SECTION UPDATED as of: July 05, 2950 (2020) 11:57 SET

YEAR 2882 (1952) Spider in the Cathcart System

Leif O’Malley’s son was born 2882… Bartholomew Roberts, not his real name because anyone using their real name around Spider is either a fool or looking to become a victim in the Cathcart System. Not too far from the center of Spider there is old abandoned derelict carrier and over the entrance to the hangar deck is a sign that reads: ‘The HOOCH’.

Now Leif was no fool and he wanted his son to have a better life than he did so now was the right time to call in a favor long overdue, not from a friend, but a high-level Advocacy Agent with contacts in Banu Protectorate. Soon after… two Banu Merchantman starships and a much larger Banu warship arrived at Spider. Two days later the Banu starships and a small flotilla of other ships departed leaving Leif O’Malley no home, no credits, no future and no son…

YEAR 2883 (1953) In an Unknown System

The Banu are meticulous at trading and planning and the three Banu starships arrived at the asteroid belt right on schedule. Two Merchantman and one mining starship. They chose a large sized asteroid and started to work. In one month they built a small landing pad, an access tunnel and excavated a cavern. The two Merchantman ships then off loaded the equipment and supplies they had on board. They also placed the small flotilla of ships into the asteroid cavern. They then sealed the tunnel entrance and airlock door beside the small landing pad, but before they left the Banu Captain hung a sign on the airlock door that read: ‘The HOOCH’.

YEAR 2932 (2002) In an Unknown System

Fast forward to 2932 ‘The HOOCH’. Now no one seems to know the exact location to the Hooch because the only way to get there is by voluntarily removing your weapons and agree to be placed in stasis for the trip there and back. Quite odd but ‘The HOOCH’ has a well-founded reputation of having the best starshine this side of the known galaxy.

The proprietor Bartholomew Roberts did not know who his real father was, but he certainly knew of his Banu heritage, not by blood, but by an arrangement of an unknown benefactor who made sure that Bartholomew knew the human language and culture as well as the Banu ones as he was sent from Human to Banu to Human Systems until 01Apr2907 the day he and a mobi-disk were deposited here on this asteroid 25 years ago.

The mobi-disk read: “Everything that has happened in your life is because of me and now everything that you see is yours.” signed Leif ‘the Cousin’.

YEAR 2942 (2012) In an Unknown System

Just another day or night at ‘The HOOCH’ it’s hard to tell sometimes when your in a cavern on an asteroid spinning through space. Who knew that the popular drink with the same name as the bar ‘HOOCH’ would make Bartholomew quite rich with credits, but he was still living in a rock! “What to do, what to do?” he muttered to himself. Absent mindedly thinking to himself: “I could just close up shop and live easy the rest of my life, after all reaching the age of 60 is quite an accomplishment.” For some reason the constant pull to adventure in the dark black had never left him. Throughout his whole life whenever the wanderlust came over him he blamed the father he never met.

Waking up from stasis always felt strange as the passengers looked out from the transport at the uncharted, unassuming, nondescript asteroid “LOOK there’s a small landing pad” said the only female aboard. Opening the airlock they found themselves in an anteroom being scanned for weapons and sanitized for any unapproved altered genetic cells. Going deeper within the asteroid the passage way opened up into a huge ziggurat cavern and they saw nondescript shadows of starships of varying sizes dotting the nooks and crannies of the asteroid cavern. Finally, at their destination a sign above the entrance door to the habitat module read: ‘The HOOCH’.

Standing behind the bar Bartholomew was watching people and the occasional alien come and go. Three men and a babe caught his eye when they walked in, not so much what they were wearing, but there was a certain air and Captaincy swagger about them as seasoned spacers. Bartholomew gestured for them to come to the bar and said: “Welcome to The HOOCH. Who might you be and where ya commin from?”

The tallest person in the group spoke first: “My name’s Henry… Henry Morgan the finest Captain to ever set foot in space and the lass here is me wife, Christina.” The next person was shorter in stature, but no less impressive wearing a hat twice the size of his head: “Thatch be my name, but my friends here call me Edward. You on the other hand can just call me Captain.” The third in the foursome seemed a bit standoffish. Wearing a black cloak as dark as the deep black and from the shadow of the others he said “I’m Strahd, just Strahd.” Lastly the woman spoke up: “I’m the one and only Christina Anna Skyette who can pilot an Aurora better than any man or alien alive. We’re all from the deep black and that’s all you need to know stranger.”

Bartholomew was intrigued by these new guests and they continued to talk all through the night and into the next day. Bartholomew ask them to stay in the guest habitat module as the transport was readying to leave. They accepted the offer. This was something Bartholomew rarely ever did for people coming to ‘the HOOCH’ but these people were different, yet familiar he just couldn’t quite put his finger on the connection. That got him to thinking, slowly the wheels were placed in motion that night as the hours turned into days and the days turned into months.

YEAR 2944 (2014) Roberts Transport Industries Corporate Office

Fujin City on the planet Saisei in the Centauri System.

In the CEO’s office they stood. All five in a circle with a glass of HOOCH. Bartholomew spoke up first: “To ‘Roberts Transport Industries’ Space… the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of our starships. Our ongoing mission: to haul it all, BIG or small to strange new worlds, to seek out new contracts and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Mining, Salvage, VIP Services and more…, shall be my Motto.” A ‘clink’, ‘clink’, ‘clink’ went all the glasses.

Henry Morgan spoke next: “Time to put our past behind us and look forward to the future.” A ‘clink’, ‘clink’, ‘clink’ went all the glasses.

Edward and Christina looked at each other, then everyone laughed. A ‘clink’, ‘clink’, ‘clink’ went all the glasses.

Strahd said in a low tone: “I hope your planning to hire some more pilots because you’re not going to be running me all over the Galaxy!”’ A ‘clink’, ‘clink’, ‘clink’ went all the glasses.

2944-01-23 03:09:50 (January 23, 2014 03:09:50) // Captain Bartholomew Roberts founded the organization

The Present
??Will YOU be the next Captain or Crew Member to join Roberts Transport Industries?

The Section Below Describes additional information about this Website, sub-pages and a reminder that until the Star Citizen retail release, we are under continuous DEVLOPMENT and will be UPDATED often...

ORGANIZATION FOUNDED : January 23, 2944 (2014) 0309hrs SET
VIDEO SECTION UPDATED as of: October 20, 2954 (2024) 2357hrs SET

Additional Information:
… meanwhile enjoy the SPACE video below.

VIDEO Topic: Star Citizen

NOTE: Please come back to see what NEW videos we will have available for viewing.


The MANIFESTO Section Below Describes Roberts Transport Industries objectives, policies, rules, punishment, RTI Org Roles and Ranks, cryonic suspension and brain-food which is designed to be read in the order presented, to provide *YOU* decisional making information in a logical sequence. If you cannot or will not abide by this Manifesto then this Corporation might not be for you. *CRYONIC SUSPENSION & BRAIN-FOOD* is not a part of any requirement. It's here for your pure entertainment. The only REQUIREMENT we ask is if you decide to leave RTI for whatever reason is to let us know why BEFORE you leave.Please remember, we are under continuous DEVELOPMENT and will be UPDATED often...
MANIFESTO SECTION UPDATED as of: July 05, 2950 (2020) 19:11 SET


We are Roberts Transport Industries and we try to have a friendly and family atmosphere where everyone, age 13 and above is welcome to enjoy their Star Citizen experience and have fun. While we cater to age 13 and above, the majority are older and have more maturation. Players who have time restraints, single, family, spouses, full time jobs. Players who know what it’s like to have bills and mortgages to pay. We know real life commitments are a priority with older more mature gamers, and thus we’ll never restrict you with unrealistic requirements, just to get a few hours of gaming in with your friends.

Who We Are Looking For:

People who will become dedicated long term members and friends. NOTE: Should you come to love our Organization and never want to leave. After your final demise in Space we offer two cryonic suspension options:
  1. Whole body: 200,000,000 UEC
  2. Brain only: 60,000,000 UEC
    Ask about our Layaway Plan. More information about cryonic suspension can be found down below.

What We Offer:

  • No role-play.
  • Lite role-play.
  • Heavy role-play.
  • Balanced PvP and PvE.
  • Mature, respectful and polite membership. Recommended 13 years old and up.

Services We Offer to our Customers:

Here at RTI we can haul your cargo from little as 1 standard cargo units (SCU) all the way up to 20,736 SCU in a single ship configuration to keep your cost low as possible.

  1. We haul it all, BIG or small.
  2. We charge our customers based upon the following four factors at the time of booking services.
  3. 1: We charge our customers by the number of standard cargo units (SCU) not by weight.
  4. 2: We charge our customers by the ‘Risk Zone’ factor of where we will be traveling.
  5. 3: We charge our customers by the number of Jumps, from Starting to Destination Point.
  6. 4: We charge our customers by the number of ships required to safely transport your stuff.
  7. ALL cargo is automatically insured (if possible) by our Corporation.
  8. We take care of all tariffs, landing, take off fees and other taxes.
  9. All our pilots and crew are prior UEE military trained.
  10. We DO NOT normally deliver to no-fly Zones.
Risk Zone: Is defined as:
  1. HighSec Zones is based on Threat Level on our ARK Map.
  2. LowSec Zones is based on Threat Level on our ARK Map.
  3. NullSec Zones is based on Threat Level on our ARK Map.
  4. No-Fly Zones is based upon individual RTI Pilots discretion. A good example would be Vanduul controlled space.
Regular Cargo: Is defined as:
  1. A bulk goods run.
  2. A standard fuel run.
  3. A standard supply run.
  4. A standard liquid foodstuffs run.
  5. A transport of active fuel from refinery stations to the primary market.
  6. A collection of space borne fuel from gas giants and extrasolar sources.
    1,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    2,500 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    5,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.
Time Sensitive Cargo: Is defined as:
  1. A live animal run.
  2. A humanitarian run.
  3. A land claim run.
    2,500 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    5,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    10,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.
Special Cargo: Is defined as:
  1. A HOOCH run.
  2. A munitions run.
    5,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    10,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    15,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.
No Questions Asked Cargo: Is defined as:
  1. If you have to ask then it isn’t a No Questions Asked run.
    10,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    20,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    30,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.
Regular Customer Transport: Is defined as:
  1. A typical customer run.
    1,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    2,500 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    5,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.
Preferred Customer Transport: Is defined as:
  1. A established recurring individual run.
    2,500 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    5,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    NullSec Zone transportation is not available.
VIP Customer Transport: Is defined as:
  1. A high value customer run.
  2. A dignitary run.
  3. A ambassador run.
    5,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    10,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    20,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.
Über Customer Transport: Is defined as:
  1. A planetary UEE Representative run.
    10,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in HighSec Zones.
    20,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in LowSec Zones.
    40,000 UEC per ship, per Jump Point in NullSec Zones.

HOOCH Customer Transport: Is defined as:
>>> Undisclosed <<<

NOTE: All prices are subject to change at any time for any reason.
  • For ALL HighSec Zones, no escort ships are required.
  • For ALL LowSec Zones, a minimum of two (2) escort ships is required.
  • For ALL NullSec Zones, a minimum of three (3) escort ships is required.
  • The number of escort ships required may be increased based upon the intel and Threat level of the Star system(s) in which the expected path of our ships will be travelling.
    • An exception to the escort ship requirement can be made based on a case by case basis.

Additional Services We Offer:

While our MAIN service is the movement of cargo we also specialize in other services and areas of interest:

  1. Mining service.
  2. Bounty service.
  3. Salvage service.
  4. Alien trade service.
  5. Ship security escort service.
  6. Discreet info courier service.
  7. Limited Military incursion combat service.
  8. Exploration into uncharted space service.
  9. Preferred customer transport service via selectable spacecraft.
  10. VIP customer transport service via selectable or high quality luxury spacecraft.
  11. Über customer transport service via dedicated luxury spacecraft from point A to point B and beyond.
  12. HOOCH customer transport service.

As a valued customer of RTI we offer these services on a first come first served basis unless you are a member of our Preferred, VIP or Über level, which entitles you to Priority, Scheduled or Reserved service placement respectively.

NOTE: HOOCH transport service is a one on one special scheduled service between you and the Company CEO. Make inquiries directly to Bartholomew Roberts.

Exclusive Corporation Membership Benefits SHIP RENTAL
  1. One of the best benefits as a valued member of RTI is that each member in good standing can rent a starship owned by the RTI Organization at a reasonable cost. Once you make your payment, RTI hands you the keys to a starship and off you go into the deep black. Details will be posted in the members area of the RTI Org DISCORD Server.

NOTE: Go to the CHARTER Section, towards the bottom of the page and see “ORGANIZATION (Org) and MEMBER (Mbr) SHIPS

What We Are NOT:


What will be considered treason and is cause for immediate expulsion and termination from our Corporation. Your right to petition the Corporation for redress of grievances or reinstatement will not be available:

  • Griefing others.
  • Stealing ANY Corporation assets.
  • An Infiltrator with espionage aspirations.
  • Intentional destruction of Corporate assets.
  • Racism, sexism or discrimination of any kind.
  • Cheating and taking advantage of any exploits.
  • Provide any aid or intel to enemies.

Total Number of Corporation Members Authorized: / Current standing is at: 10 Members

Soft Cap: 25 people
Hard Cap: 50 people
NOTE: The ‘Hard Cap’ number of Members will not be raised at any point in the future, unless our Org obtains starships with greater crew capacity than 50 people.


  • Language Policy: Any.
  • Nationality Policy: Any.
  • Time Zone Policy: Any.
  • Play Time Policy: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific and Hawaiian time zones will have preference and other time zones we will work around.
  • PvE or PvP Policy: Until more information is known about the Persistent Universe gameplay a balanced PvP & PvE approach is desirable for all members.
  • Role-Play Policy: NO role-playing is required but in the spirit of Star Citizen immersion there is no restriction should you want to role-play individually or among like minded individuals but keep in mind that we are a small tight-knit Corporation.
  • VoIP Policy: Everyone will be required to connect to our RTI DISCORD at any time when you are connected to the Star Citizen Persistent Universe Server or Squadron 42. All potential members and members alike are required to use their Community Moniker as their Nickname in RTI DISCORD at all times. There is no requirement to speak but for multi-play there is a need to listen for enemy callouts, directions, instructions etc. If you are wanting to play alone, there will be a RTI DISCORD channel for single player play.
  • Multi-Organization Policy: While there is no restriction to being a member of any other organization. Roberts Transport Industries does require that ANY other organization that you may belong to, is NOT listed as REDACTED or Hidden. You will be removed from our Org if we find out.
  • Pilot and Crew Policy: When you are at the helm of a starship you own or have rented, YOU are the Captain. While aboard another person’s ship you are a Crew Member.
  • Piracy/Smuggling/Slaving ‘Grey Area’ Policy: The stance of Roberts Transport Industries is that while our Members can play different role types, all activities will be acceptable as-long-as those activities do not bring any DISCREDIT to Roberts Transport Industries.

RULES Roberts Transport Industries Website, Sub Pages, Forum, Shout Box & Discord Rules:

  1. It will be considered a dishonorable act shooting any medical related person(s), vehicle(s) or starship(s) at ANYTIME, unless any medical related person(s), vehicle(s) or starship(s) makes a deliberate act of hostile aggression. Wide berth WARNING shots are encouraged against aggressive medical related person(s), vehicle(s) or starship(s) BEFORE returning fire and all return fire will be to (disable only).

This Section will be further updated as RSI rolls out updates to Organizations.

ROLES Founder / Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest ranking executive manager in our corporation. The CEO has responsibility for the overall success of our entire corporation. The CEO has the ultimate authority to make final decisions for our corporation.

The CEO has overall responsibility for creating, planning, implementing, and integrating the strategic direction of our corporation. This includes responsibility for all components and departments of our corporation. The CEO makes certain that our corporation’s leadership maintains constant awareness of both the external and internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry developments and standards, and so forth.

Officer / Resource Officer

The Resource Officer originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented; high performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity, and standards; goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce. The Resource Officer is responsible for the development of processes and metrics that support the achievement of the corporation’s business goals.

The Resource Officer coordinates the implementation of people-related services, policies, and programs through the Recruiting and Marketing Officers; reports to the CEO; and assists and advises other Officers about Member, Rank and Role issues.

  • Primary Objectives of the Resource Officer:
    • Development of a superior workforce;
    • Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, key employee retention and development, and high performance;
    • corporation development;
    • Employee onboarding, development, needs assessment, and training;
    • Policy development and documentation;
    • Employee relations;
    • Compensation and benefits administration;
    • Charitable giving; and
    • Employee services and counseling.

Recruitment / Recruiting Officer

The Recruiting Officer is responsible for delivering all facets of recruiting success throughout the corporation. This will be achieved through the development of recruiting plans, employing traditional sourcing strategies and resources as well as developing new, creative recruiting ideas. The Recruiting Manager will play a critical role in ensuring we are hiring the best possible talent.

  • Primary Objectives of the Recruiting Officer:
    • Develop and execute recruiting plans.
    • Network through industry contacts, association memberships, trade groups and employees.
    • Coordinate and implement Squadron 42 recruiting initiatives.
    • Administrative duties and recordkeeping.
  • Develop and Execute Recruiting Plans
    • Create job descriptions.
    • Lead the creation of a recruiting and interviewing plan for each open position.
    • Efficiently and effectively fill open positions.
    • Conduct regular follow-up with the Resource Officer to determine the effectiveness of recruiting plans and implementation.
    • Develop a pool of qualified candidates in advance of need.
    • Research and recommend new sources for active and passive candidate recruiting.
    • Build networks to find qualified passive candidates.
    • Post openings in forum advertisements, with professional corporations, and in other position appropriate venues.
    • Utilize the Mobinet for recruitment.
      • Post positions to appropriate Mobinet sources.
      • Improve the corporation website page to assist in recruiting.
      • Research new ways of using the Mobinet for recruitment.
      • Use social and professional networking sites to identify and source candidates.
  • Network Through Industry Contacts, Association Memberships, Trade Groups and Employees
    • Locate and document where to find ideal candidates.
    • Aid public relations in establishing a recognizable “employer of choice” reputation for the corporation, both internally and externally.
    • Communicate with Officers and employees regularly to establish rapport, gauge morale, and source new candidate leads.
    • Create contacts within industry.
    • Maintain regular contact with possible future candidates.
  • Administrative Duties and Record Keeping
    • Review applicants to evaluate if they meet the position requirements.
    • Conduct pre screening interviews.
    • Perform reference and background checks for potential employees.
    • Write and forward rejection letters.
    • Interview prospective employees through e-mail or corporations TeamSpeak venue.

Marketing / Marketing Officer

The Marketing Officer is responsible for the overall management of the marketing for the corporation. The successful Marketing Officer needs to possess a high level of qualifications.

  • Primary Objectives of the Marketing Officer:
    • Strong effective communicator.
    • Ability to coordinate the efforts of a team of diverse creative employees.
    • Expert in Internet and social media.
    • Effective in holding conversations with customers, customer evangelism, and customer-focused product development and outreach.
    • Ability to see the big picture and provide useful advice and input across the corporation.
    • Ability to lead in an environment of constant change.
    • Familiarity and skill with the tools of the trade in marketing including PR, written communication, website development, market research, product packaging, and creative services.
    • Manage external PR and communication consulting firms and contractors.
    • Experience in the galactic marketplace is a plus.
  • The Marketing Officer must be able to perform effectively in each of these areas:
    • Researching and evaluating new product opportunities, demand for potential products, and customer needs and insights.
    • Overall marketing strategy and execution of plans for existing products.
    • Find new product developments to exploit for corporational new product development.
    • Managing launch campaigns for new products.
    • Managing distribution channels for products.
    • Ensuring effective, branded marketing communications including the corporational website, print communication, and advertising.
    • Managing media, marketing and all Public Relations.
    • Analysis of the effectiveness of all marketing efforts.

RTI and DISCORD Ranks start AFTER the retail release of Star Citizen or Squadron 42 whichever comes first Rank 5 ***** / Fleet Captain awarded after 5 years in the RTI Org & Discord Server

A Fleet Captain combines much of the hands-on approach of a Captain with a greater level of command and responsibility.

This is the rank of Fleet Captain, and as with the more senior rank of Rear Admiral and above, a career officer would expect to work his or her way through the ranks up to this level. Unlike Admiralty, who would usually be stationed well away from the front lines, a Fleet Captain is likely to experience much of the excitement and danger associated with a career in the UEE or civilian service.

The majority of Fleet Captains come to this rank with a broad wealth of experience. Many have commanded a starship at one time, and some, such as Fleet Captain Bartholomew Roberts, continue to do so after their promotion.

The UEE and our corporation realizes that in order for it to function effectively, it needs to have senior officers who understand the nature of the problems faced daily by their fleet and personnel, and who may even be able to anticipate problems before they occur.

However, due to the huge commitment expected from the service, it is inevitable that they often find themselves generating orders that they know are dangerous and may lead to loss of life. Controlling their own personal feelings, and putting the good of our corporation first is a common trait among Fleet Captains, although they fully realize that there is much more to earning the respect of their commands than simply barking out orders. It is the measure of the caliber of officers who reach this level that they can override their emotions and carry out their duties, no matter how unpleasant they may personally find them.

Due to their years of command experience, all Fleet Captains are well versed in our corporate regulations, but their elevated role often means that they have to take on areas of responsibility that they may not have previously experienced. Generally, the duties carried out at this rank can be split into three distinct categories: working from the Corporate Command Center (CCC), commanding a starship, or taking charge of special projects. Our Corporation tries to fit the experience of the officer with the role and, for the most part, succeeds.

Fleet Captains are involved in the assimilation of information from all parts of the Galaxy, taking data from the various locations and acting on any possible threat. Much of this work is routine, but if something potentially threatening occurs, Fleet Captains have the power to act fast.

Fleet Captains are well schooled in thinking tactically, and although they may have to order one or more ships and crew into a potentially disastrous situation, they know such decisions come with the job. But even though they may have a geographical detachment from the action, they still know from their own experience what it will feel like at the sharp end, and this helps to gain them the respect of the officers who are faced with carrying out these orders.

It is perfectly feasible for a Fleet Captain to maintain command of a starship. The duties remain the same as that of a Captain, but the Fleet Captain can pull rank over the Captain of another vessel should he feel it necessary to take over command of that ship.

Whatever the assignment, the role of Fleet Captain carries a huge responsibility. Fleet Captains are called on to make life or death decisions, and to risk their own lives and those of friends and fellow officers. It takes a special kind of person to carry out this task: knowledgeable, tough, fast acting, yet thoughtful and understanding, someone who has proved themselves time and time again.

Rank 4 **** / Captain awarded after 4 years in the RTI Org & Discord Server
Rank 3 *** / First Officer awarded after 3 years in the RTI Org & Discord Server
Rank 2 ** / Flight Engineer awarded after 2 years in the RTI Org & Discord Server

NOTE: Rank 4, 3, 2, can pilot a starship to varying degrees based upon the performance and experience level.

Captains have one of the most demanding and exciting roles in the whole of our Corporation. Their primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of their ship and crew, but the position also requires the frequent use of sophisticated diplomatic, strategic, and interpersonal skills. When a raw recruit enters Squadron 42 for the first time, they may have ambitions to command their own starship. Few, however, will succeed. The rigors of training, theory, and study are only the start of the long journey to captaincy; years of serving in the ranks, from 2nd Lieutenant through to Captain, are required of those who would direct and protect the lives of hundreds. UEE Captains tend, therefore, to be exceptional people, able to balance the varied roles they must carry out every day of their careers.

The rank of Captain has not altered since the UEE was set up, but the chain of command surrounding the post has undergone changes. Currently the rank structure is: 2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Lt. Commander, Commander, Captain, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Admiral. the rank of Fleet Captain is no longer recognized in the promotional phase after the rank of Captain.

As a Captain of our Corporation they are charged with three main responsibilities.

Firstly, and most important of these is the effective and safe operation of their ship and crew. A Captain’s actions and personality must inspire loyalty in the crew under his command; staff can become disaffected and mutinous when they lose respect for their leader’s decisions.

Secondly, Captains are expected to be inventive and spontaneous military style tacticians, able to appreciate and act on any threat to the ship, or our Corporation.

Thirdly, Captains are often called upon to perform diplomatic duties; they are expected to represent the Corporation’s interests, and make decisions on its behalf. As such, the Captain must be apprised of many things including our Corporate law, and customs of other species and societies. This requires an appreciation of diverse alien cultures traditions. Situations with new or difficult life forms may be problematic, but the Captain must always uphold our Corporation’s Directives. Some Captains have experiences in which they must not only preserve the status quo, but also repair the damage, accidental or otherwise, done to a species or outside interference. Obeying our Corporate Directives can sometimes directly conflict with the Captain’s other duties, putting them under tremendous pressure.

Emotional and intellectual pressures are part and parcel of the Captain’s job. At the most basic level, Captains have at heart the wellbeing and lives of the crew and ship, and the strain that accompanies this responsibility can sometimes become too much. The loss of a crew, command, or family has prompted some Captains to commit acts outside the best interests of the Corporation.

If a Captain becomes physically unfit for duty, a consensus of other crew members aboard the same non-Capital sized starship can have the Captain relieved of duty. Life-threatening injuries, signs of extreme stress or unusual or worrying behavior, can also lead to the Captain being forced to temporarily stand down, though such a request must come from the following as listed below:
NOTE: Not a combination but the exact or greater number of crew members.
If 1 other person of Rank 5 ***** / Fleet Captain or
If 2 other people of Rank 4 **** / Captain or
If 4 other people of Rank 3 *** / First Officer or
If 6 other people the Rank 2 ** / Flight Engineer or
If 8 other people of the Rank 1 * / Crew Member
aboard the same non-Capital sized starship petitions the Captain to stand relieved of command the next officer in charge will stand-in until the ship reaches the nearest space station.

If a Captain becomes physically unfit for duty, a consensus of other crew members aboard the same Capital sized starship can have the Captain relieved of duty. Life-threatening injuries, signs of extreme stress or unusual or worrying behavior, can also lead to the Captain being forced to temporarily stand down, though such a request must come from the following as listed below:
NOTE: Not a combination but the exact or greater number of crew members.
If 5 other people of Rank 5 ***** / Fleet Captain or
If 7 other people of Rank 4 **** / Captain or
If 9 other people of Rank 3 *** / First Officer or
If 24 other people the Rank 2 ** / Flight Engineer or
If 27 other people of the Rank 1 * / Crew Member
aboard the same Capital sized starship petitions the Captain to stand relieved of command the next officer in charge will stand-in until the ship reaches the nearest space station.

Captains must know when to fight, when to run, and, on dire occasions, when to destroy their own ships via the autodestruct sequence. Whether conducting a wedding or a funeral, speaking for our Corporation, or defending its interests with force, a Captain must rise above all prejudices and influences to make a sound and just decision.

An individual with a Rank of 1 through 3 should strive to attain Rank 4 or higher based upon their skills and abilities.

A Fleet Captain may helm any starship.
A First Officer may helm any starship as directed by the Captain. Unless the Captain is incapacitated.
A Flight Engineer may helm any starship under the guidance of a Captain or First Officer. Unless the Captain and First Officer are incapacitated.
A Crew Member may helm any starship if all the above are DEAD.

Rank 1 * / Crew Member awarded at joining and throughout 1st year in the RTI Org & Discord Server

The Crew Member wears many hats and is an essential part of the ground, air, and space crew no less important than the person at the helm of the starship. A Crew Member can perform many functions around a starship as well as aboard a starship that may determine the success or failure of a mission.

These are the few responsibilities that a Crew Member may have based on the type of starship that they may be around or aboard:

  • Crew Chief
    • Prior to flight, you will inspect and perform various functional checks of the starship, as well as ensure that the starship has been properly serviced with all fluids and ammunition.
    • After flight, you will be responsible for ensuring the starship is still in operationally ready condition.
    • Maintain and repair all parts of the starship, performing general mechanical work as opposed to working on a particular system or subsystem.
    • If during any of your inspections a malfunction occurs, you will request, through maintenance control, assistance from the shop concerned (engine, spaceframe, etc.).
  • Loadmaster
    • The loadmaster performs the calculations and plans cargo and passenger placement to keep the starship within permissible center of gravity limits throughout the flight. Loadmasters ensure cargo is placed on the starship in such a way as to prevent overloading sensitive sections of the spaceframe and cargo floor. Considerations are also given to civilian and military regulations which may prohibit the placement of one type of cargo in proximity to another. Unusual cargo may require special equipment to be loaded safely aboard the starship, limiting where the other cargo may feasibly be placed. Tactically, loadmasters may also directly affect combat readiness as they are also responsible for determining the load order of starship so that more tactically important material (e.g. ammunition) is off-loaded and therefore ready to deploy faster than other support items; this may be especially germane to forward operating bases.
    • The loadmaster may physically load the starship, but primarily supervises loading crews and procedures. Once positioned aboard the starship, the loadmaster ensures that their charge is properly secured, as an unexpected shift of the load can produce serious handling problems for the starship. Chains, straps, and integrated cargo locks are among the most common tools used to secure the cargo. Because cargo may shift during abrupt maneuvers, the loadmaster must determine the appropriate type(s), quantity and placement of cargo restraint.
    • The loadmaster may also be required to be qualified for “space or aerial delivery” of spacetroops or cargo by many means. Compared to the relatively routine transportation of cargo, spacedrops or airdrops can be a highly technical and dangerous undertaking. Under some situations, the most effective way to resupply the targeted people or aliens is by space or aerial delivery of equipment, ammunition, food, and medical supplies. Many victories have been dependent in large part upon space or aerial delivery.
    • The loadmaster may provide starship clearance information and direct Captains to safe positions when landing and taking off.
  • Space Crew Member
    • You are the first line of defence in any boarding attempt. Your actions may be the pivotal point on whether borders are repelled or the starship is boarded.
      • As a Space Crew Member prior to flight you perform a ‘walk through’ aboard the starship.
      • As a Space Crew Member while in flight you perform periodic security sweeps while aboard larger starships.
      • As a Space Crew Member while in flight you perform periodic cargo sweeps (if accessible) to spot any anomalies.
      • As a Space Crew Member while in flight you perform periodic operational checks of the systems while in flight to verify operation.
      • As a Space Crew Member while in flight you perform periodic operational checks of the turret systems if equipped.

NOTE: As a Space Crew Member you are subject to follow all lawful orders given by the Captain of the starship, even if you are normally RANK 2, 3, 4 or 5 and currently performing as a Space Crew Member or other functions aboard the same starship.

  • Gunner
    • Turrets may be armed with one or more automatic laser cannons, large-caliber guns, or missile launchers. It may be manned or remotely controlled.
      • A nose gunner or front gunner is a crew member on a starship who operates a gun turret in the front, or “nose area”, of the starship. This position was usually manned by someone who only operated the gun, however, the nose gunner could have a dual role (navigation, bombardier, etc.). Also, stationary guns could be mounted in the nose and controlled by the Captain.
      • A turret gunner was a particular form, altazimuth mount movement manned starship gun turret, accommodating the gunner with nearly all the needed equipment for defensive firepower (except for the ammunition storage) mounted either within or onto the shell of the turret structure.
      • A tail gunner or rear gunner is a crew member on a starship who functions as a gunner defending against enemy starships attacks from the rear, or “tail area”, of the starship. The tail gunner operates a flexible gun emplacement on either the top or tail end of the starship with a generally unobstructed view toward the rear of the starship. While the term tail gunner is usually associated with a crew member inside a gun turret, tail gun armaments may also be operated by remote control from another part of the starship.
  • Bombardier
    • The Bombardier’s duties and responsibilities on any guided or unguided bomb / missile capable starship;
      • Deliver payload with accuracy.
      • Assume directional command of the starship once on the bombing / missile run.
      • Protect the starship with any mounted turret (if equipped).

NOTE: A Crew Member is also known as a WSOp (Weapon Systems Operator), an umbrella term for the various specialist spacecrew responsible for assisting the Captain in operating the mission systems of the starship (e.g. crew chief, loadmaster, space crew member, gunner, bombardier).

CRYONIC SUSPENSION Faq for the Member who never wants to leave RTI:

  • Q: Is there any science behind “cryogenics”?
    • A: The science behind it does exist and the application of the practice is called cryonics. It’s a technique used to store a persons body at an extremely low temperature with the hope of one day reviving them. This technique is being performed today, but the technology behind it is still in its infancy. Someone preserved this way is said to be in cryonic suspension. The hope is that, once you have felt the effects of physical damage to your body or perhaps, loss of limb or other mishaps that can happen in the danger of space. Once you have been through several wars, You will have the scars – perhaps a cybernetic arm because one was lost in firefight or the wrong side of a dogfight. If you or some­one has died from a disease or condition that is currently incurable, such as perma-death they can be “frozen” and then revived in the future when a cure has been discovered.
  • Q: Why wait until you’re dead to be frozen? Won’t it be too late then?
    • A: It’s currently illegal to perform cryonic suspension on someone who is still alive. Those who wish to be cryogenically frozen must first be pronounced legally dead – which means their heart has stopped beating. Though, if they’re dead, how can they ever be revived? According to the experts at the company who Roberts Transport Industries contract with that performs the procedure, ‘legally dead’ is not the same as ‘totally dead.’ Total death, they claim, is the point at which all brain function ceases. They claim that the difference is based on the fact that some cellular brain function remains even after the heart has stopped beating. Cryonics preserves some of that cell function so that, at least theoretically, the person can be brought back to life at a later date.
  • Q: How is Cryonics Performed?
    • A: After your heart stops beating and you are pronounced legally dead, our contracted company takes over. The battlefield support ship a Cutlass Red which is Roberts Transport Industries dedicated Cutlass ‘ambulance’; equipped with onboard medical facilities and an array of search-and-rescue gear, flies in with an emergency response team from the facility and immediately gets to work. They stabilize your body by supplying your brain with enough oxygen and blood to preserve minimal function until you can be transported to the suspension facility. Your body is packed in ice and injected with an anticoagulant to prevent your blood from clotting during the trip. A medical team is on standby awaiting the arrival of your body at the cryonics facility. After you reach the cryonics facility, the actual freezing can begin.
  • Q: Don’t they just drop you in a huge pot of liquid nitrogen or expose you to space?
    • A: They could, and while you’d certainly be frozen, most of the cells in your body would shatter and die. As water freezes, it expands. Since cells are made up of mostly water, freezing expands the “stuff” inside which destroys their cell walls and they die. The cryonics companies need to remove and/or replace this water. They replace it with something called a cryoprotectant. Much like the antifreeze in ancient Earth automobiles. cryogenically frozen. This glycerol based mixture protects your organ tissues by hindering the formation of ice crystals. This process is called “vitrification” and allows cells to live in a sort of suspended animation. After the vitrification, your body is cooled with dry ice until it reaches -202 Fahrenheit. After this pre-cooling, it’s finally time to insert your body into the individual container that will be placed into a metal tank filled with liquid nitrogen. This will cool the body down to a temperature of around -320 degrees Fahrenheit. The procedure isn’t cheap. It can cost up to 200,000,000 UEC to have your whole body preserved. For the more frugal optimist, a mere 60,000,000 UEC will preserve your brain with an option known as neurosuspension. They hope the technology in the future will allow them to clone or regenerate the rest of the body.
  • Q: So does it work?
    • A: Many critics say the companies that perform cryonics are simply ripping off customers with the dream of immortality and they won’t deliver. It doesn’t help that the scientists who perform cryonics say they haven’t successfully revived anyone since the twentieth century, and don’t expect to be able to do so anytime soon. The largest hurdle is that, if the warming process isn’t done at exactly the right speed and temperature, the cells could form ice crystals and shatter. Despite the fact that no human placed in a cryonic suspension has yet been revived, some living organisms can be, and have been, brought back from a dead or near-dead state. CPR and injected nanobot defibrillators can bring accident and heart attack victims back from the dead daily. Neurosurgeons often cool patients’ bodies so they can operate on aneurysms without damaging or rupturing the nearby blood vessels. Human embryos that are frozen in fertility clinics, defrosted and implanted in a mother’s uterus grow into perfectly normal human beings. Some frogs, amphibians and other alien life forms have a protein manufactured by their cells that act as a natural antifreeze which can protect them if they’re frozen completely solid. Cryobiologists are hopeful that micro-nano-bot-technology will make auto-revival possible someday. Micro-nano-bot-technology can use microscopic machines to manipulate single atoms to build or repair virtually anything, including human cells and tissues. They hope one day, micro-nano-bot-technology will repair not only the cellular damage caused by the freezing process, but also the damage caused by aging and disease. Some cryobiologists have predicted that the first cryonic revival might occur as early as year 3045.
  • Q: This sounds like something I want done. What’s the next step?
    • A: You can apply through RTI CEO directly with your 200,000,000 or 60,000,000 UEC for registration to the “Live Long and Prosper and Today is a Good Day to Die but to be Frozen and Stick around Forever Cryo-Frozen Foundation Popsicle Policy Plan” or the LLPTGDDFSFCFFPP Plan (for short). If you cannot afford the upfront cost Roberts Transport Industries will gladly set you up on our member custom Layaway Plan with 10% down and 10% a Month until paid in full.

** NOTE: There is no penalty for paying off the installment plan early and should you be pronounced ‘totally dead’ or your body is unrecoverable, your next of kin will be reimbursed 100% of what you have paid towards the LLPTGDDFSFCFFPP Plan less an administrative fee of 10% for the Plan’s maintenance cost and expenses. Now you can go and rest in peace knowing that “your covered”.

OOC NOTE: The aforementioned information on Cryonic Suspension has been slightly altered from it’s original form by RTI. The original text can be found in the following ancient Earth archive Mobinet Link

Additional reading can be located at this ancient Earth archive Mobnet Link


  1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
  2. Don’t worry about what people think, they don’t do it very often.
  3. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.
  4. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
  5. If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you’ve never tried before.
  6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
  7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
  8. A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.
  9. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.
  10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.
  11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
  12. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
  13. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
  14. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.
  15. A balanced diet is a muffin in each hand.
  16. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.
  17. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
  18. Junk is something you’ve kept for years and thrown away the day before you needed it.
  19. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
  20. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
  21. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
  22. Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
  23. Someone who thinks logically provides nice contrast to the real world.
  24. It ain’t the jeans that make your butt look fat.
  25. There is a very fine line between ‘hobby’ and ‘mental illness.’
  26. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
  27. You should not confuse your career with your life.
  28. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.
  29. Never lick a steak knife.
  30. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
  31. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
  32. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that deep down inside we ALL believe we are good drivers.
  33. Your friends love you anyway.


  • Challenge yourself:
    • Set goals that make you s-t-r-e-t-c-h. It is a cop-out to make things too easy – always take it to the next level and don’t be afraid to fail. I would rather fail trying to do something that made me expand my abilities and work harder than I ever thought I could rather than succeed at doing something I knew I could accomplish with my eyes closed.
  • Make yourself a brand:
    • Sit down and decide what you want to be, and what you want people to associate with you. Map it out and then work hard to make it a reality.
  • Realize that happiness isn’t something you “obtain”:
    • The sooner you realize that happiness is not something you obtain like a piece of furniture or a job, the more likely you are to achieve it. Most people think they will be happy if they get a promotion, make a sale, start a relationship with someone, or buy a certain kind of car. But happiness is created, not acquired. Have you ever wondered why – as a general rule – people with less are happier than people with more?
  • Live responsibly:
    • This has many meanings to me – but basically it means don’t ignore injustices, treat others with respect, do what is right for the world and environment, and quit thinking it is “someone else’s” job.
  • Get a dog:
    • A dog loves you unconditionally. A dog thinks you are the greatest, coolest, smartest, most successful person in the world. Get a dog and work hard to live up to its expectations.


The CHARTER Section Below Describes Roberts Space Industries Organization (Org) owned Starships. Please remember, we are under continuous DEVELOPMENT and will be UPDATED often...
CHARTER SECTION UPDATED as of: September 23, 2954 (2024) 1334hrs SET


Source Material Websites
LINK: Galactapedia: All Spacecraft Manufacturers
LINK: Star Citizen Logbook
LINK: UEX: Spaceships and Ground Vehicles


Ships List
196 Ships, including 146 Fly Ready.

From the "snub" to the "multicrew" spaceship, the following list gathers all the ships that can move freely in space and in atmospheric flight. For planetary vehicles, whatever their means of locomotion, please refer to the list of vehicles later in this article. NOTE: ORG Ships are in YELLOW.

Avenger Stalker Aegis Interdiction
Avenger Titan Aegis Light Freight
Avenger Titan Renegade Aegis Light Freight
Avenger Trainer Aegis Training
Avenger Warlock Aegis Interdiction
Cutter (drone) Aegis Snub Salvage
Eclipse Aegis Stealth Bomber
Gladius Aegis Light Fighter
Gladius Pirate Aegis Light Fighter
Gladius Valiant Aegis Light Fighter
Hammerhead Aegis Heavy Gunship
Hammerhead Best In Show Aegis Heavy Gunship
Idris-K Aegis Frigate
Idris-M Aegis Frigate
Idris-P Aegis Frigate
Javelin Aegis Destroyer
Nautilus Aegis Minelayer
Nautilus Solstice Aegis Minelayer
Reclaimer Aegis Heavy Salvage
Reclaimer Best In Show Aegis Heavy Salvage
Redeemer Aegis Gunship
Retaliator Aegis Heavy Gunship
Retaliator Bomber Aegis Heavy Bomber
Sabre Aegis Stealth
Sabre Comet Aegis Stealth
Sabre Firebird Aegis Medium Fighter
Sabre Raven Aegis Stealth, Interdiction
Vanguard Harbinger Aegis Bomber
Vanguard Hoplite Aegis Dropship
Vanguard Sentinel Aegis Interdiction
Vanguard Warden Aegis Heavy Fighter
Vulcan Aegis Repair, Refuel
Arrow Anvil Light Fighter
Carrack Anvil Expedition
Carrack Expedition Anvil Expedition
Carrack Expedition w/C8X Anvil Expedition
Carrack w/C8X Anvil Expedition
Crucible Anvil Heavy Repair
F7A Hornet Mk1 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7A Hornet Mk2 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7C Hornet Mk1 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7C Hornet Mk2 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk1 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk1 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7C-M Super Hornet Mk1 Anvil Medium Fighter
F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk1 Anvil Pathfinder
F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk1 Anvil Stealth
F8A Lightning Anvil Heavy Fighter
F8C Lightning Anvil Heavy Fighter
F8C Lightning Executive Anvil Heavy Fighter
Gladiator Anvil Bomber
Hawk Anvil Light Fighter
Hurricane Anvil Heavy Fighter
Legionnaire Anvil Boarding
Liberator Anvil Carrier
Pisces C8 Anvil Pathfinder
Pisces C8R Rescue Anvil Medical
Pisces C8X Expedition Anvil Pathfinder
Terrapin Anvil Pathfinder
Valkyrie Anvil Dropship
Valkyrie Liberator Anvil Dropship
MOLE ARGO Mining, Prospecting
MOLE Carbon ARGO Mining, Prospecting
MOLE Talus ARGO Mining, Prospecting
MPUV-1C Cargo ARGO Light Freight
MPUV-1P Personnel ARGO Passenger
MPUV-1S Search and Rescue ARGO Medical
MPUV-1T Tractor ARGO Freight
RAFT ARGO Medium Freight
SRV ARGO Search and Rescue
Defender Banu Light Fighter
Merchantman Banu Heavy Freight, Trade
Mustang Alpha CNOU Light Freight
Mustang Alpha Vindicator CNOU Light Freight
Mustang Beta CNOU Pathfinder
Mustang Delta CNOU Light Fighter
Mustang Gamma CNOU Racing
Mustang Omega CNOU Racing
Nomad CNOU Freight
Pioneer CNOU Heavy Construction
Ares Inferno Crusader Heavy Fighter
Ares Ion Crusader Heavy Fighter
Genesis Starliner Crusader Large Passenger
Hercules A2 Crusader Transport, Gunship, Bomber
Hercules C2 Crusader Transport
Hercules M2 Crusader Transport, Military
Mercury Star Runner Crusader Medium Freight, Data
Spirit A1 Crusader Bomber
Spirit C1 Crusader Cargo
Spirit E1 Crusader Passenger
Buccaneer Drake Interdiction
Caterpillar Drake Medium Freight
Caterpillar Best In Show Drake Medium Freight
Caterpillar Pirate Drake Medium Freight
Corsair Drake Exploration
Cutlass Black Drake Medium Freight, Fighter
Cutlass Black Best In Show Drake Medium Freight, Fighter
Cutlass Blue Drake Interdiction
Cutlass Red Drake Medical
Cutlass Steel Drake Dropship
Cutter Drake Light Freight
Cutter Rambler Drake Exploration
Cutter Scout Drake Exploration
Herald Drake Medium Data
Ironclad Drake Heavy Freight
Ironclad Assault Drake Heavy Dropship
Kraken Drake Light Carrier
Kraken Privateer Drake Light Carrier, Trade
Vulture Drake Light Salvage
Blade Esperia Light Fighter
Glaive Esperia Medium Fighter
Prowler Esperia Dropship
Scythe Esperia Medium Fighter
Talon Esperia Stealth
Talon Shrike Esperia Stealth, Bomber
Railen Gatac Medium Freight
Syulen Gatac Light Freight
Cydnus Greycat Mining, Prospecting
P-52 Merlin Kruger Fighter
P-72 Archimedes Kruger Racing
P-72 Archimedes Emerald Kruger Racing
Endeavor MISC Heavy Science
Expanse MISC Refinery
Freelancer MISC Medium Freight
Freelancer DUR MISC Expedition
Freelancer Max MISC Medium Freight
Freelancer Mis MISC Gunship
Fury MISC Snub Fighter
Fury LX MISC Snub Racing
Fury MX MISC Snub Bomber
Hull A MISC Medium Freight
Hull B MISC Heavy Freight
Hull C MISC Heavy Freight
Hull D MISC Heavy Freight
Hull E MISC Heavy Freight
Odyssey MISC Exploration
Prospector MISC Mining, Prospecting
Razor MISC Racing
Razor EX MISC Stealth
Razor LX MISC Racing, Luxury
Reliant Kore MISC Light Freight
Reliant Mako MISC Reporting
Reliant Sen MISC Light Science
Reliant Tana MISC Light Fighter
Starfarer MISC Heavy Refuel
Starfarer Gemini MISC Heavy Refuel
100i Origin Touring
125a Origin Light Fighter
135c Origin Light Freight
300i Origin Touring
315p Origin Pathfinder
325a Origin Light Fighter, Interdiction
350r Origin Racing
400i Origin Pathfinder
600i Executive Origin Touring
600i Explorer Origin Expedition
600i Touring Origin Touring
85x Origin Touring
890 Jump Origin Touring
M50 Origin Racing
Apollo Medivac RSI Medical
Apollo Triage RSI Medical
Arrastra RSI Heavy Mining
Aurora CL RSI Light Freight
Aurora ES RSI Pathfinder
Aurora LN RSI Light Fighter
Aurora LX RSI Pathfinder
Aurora MR RSI Light Fighter
Bengal RSI Carrier
Constellation Andromeda RSI Medium Freight, Gunship
Constellation Aquila RSI Expedition
Constellation Phoenix RSI Touring
Constellation Phoenix Emerald RSI Touring
Constellation Taurus RSI Medium Freight
Galaxy RSI Modular
Mantis RSI Interdiction
Orion RSI Heavy Mining
Pegasus RSI Carrier
Perseus RSI Heavy Gunship
Polaris RSI Corvette
Scorpius RSI Medium Fighter
Scorpius Antares RSI Medium Fighter, Interdiction
Zeus RSI Exploration
Zeus Mk II CL RSI Medium Freight
Zeus Mk II ES RSI Exploration
Zeus Mk II MR RSI Interdiction
Retribution Navy UEE Super Dreadnought
Cleaver Vanduul Boarding
Driller Vanduul Frigate
Harvester Carrier Vanduul Carrier
Hunter Vanduul Corvette
Kingship Vanduul Carrier
Stinger Vanduul Fighter
Void Vanduul Bomber
Khartu-Al AopoA Light Fighter
San’tok.yāi AopoA Light Fighter

Vehicles List
43 Vehicles, including 35 Fly Ready.

From the hangar buggy that is the PTV, to the Balista, passing by various machines with 2 wheels or more, or on tracks, or mounted on grav-leg, the following list gathers all the vehicles intended to move on a planetary surface. Note that grav-leg vehicles can also move in space, but this does not make them a "spaceship". NOTE: ORG Ships are in YELLOW.

Ballista Anvil Missiles Launcher
Ballista Dunestalker Anvil Missiles Launcher
Ballista Snowblind Anvil Missiles Launcher
Centurion Anvil Anti-Aircraft
Spartan Anvil Transport
HoverQuad CNOU Transport
Dragonfly Black Drake Snub Racing
Dragonfly Starkitten Pink Drake Snub Racing
Dragonfly Yellowjacket Drake Snub Racing
Mule Drake Freight
PTV Greycat Hangar PTV
ROC Greycat Mining, Prospecting
ROC DS Greycat Mining, Prospecting
STV Greycat Racing
UTV Greycat Exploration
Pulse MISC Recon
Pulse LX MISC Racing
G12 Origin Exploration
G12a Origin Recon
G12r Origin Racing
X1 Base Origin Snub Touring
X1 Force Origin Snub Pathfinder
X1 Velocity Origin Snub Racing
Lynx Rover RSI Recon
URSA Rover RSI Exploration
URSA Rover Fortuna RSI Exploration
Ursa Rover Medivac RSI Medical
Cyclone Tumbril Recon
Cyclone AA Tumbril Recon
Cyclone MT Tumbril Recon
Cyclone RC Tumbril Racing
Cyclone RN Tumbril Recon
Cyclone TR Tumbril Recon
Nova Tumbril Tank
Ranger CV Tumbril Recon
Ranger RC Tumbril Racing
Ranger TR Tumbril Recon
Storm Tumbril Tank
Storm AA Tumbril Tank
Harvester Vanduul Mining, Salvage
Nox AopoA Racing
Nox Kue AopoA Racing

Modules List
19 Modules, including 4 Fly Ready.

Although many ships have been declared "modular", modularity is not yet implemented in-game and the modules offered for sale are limited to a very small number of ships such as the Retaliator, Endeavor and Galaxy. Note that the modules have their own insurance, so you can very well have an LTI ship equipped with a module insured for 10 years if you acquired it during the IAE. Moreover, the IAE is the only time of the year when you can hope to have access to the modules of a ship, provided that these last ones are still marketed (What is currently not the case of the Retaliator modules). NOTE: ORG Ships are in YELLOW.

Retaliator Cargo Module (Bow) Cargo F
Retaliator Cargo Module (Stern) Cargo R
Retaliator Dropship Module (Bow) Dropship F
Retaliator Personnel Module (Bow) Life Support F
Retaliator Personnel Module (Stern) Life Support R
Retaliator Torpedo Module (Bow) Bomber F
Retaliator Torpedo Module (Stern) Bomber R
Endeavor Biodome Pod Farming 2×1
Endeavor Fuel Pod Transport 2×1
Endeavor General Science Pod Science 2×1
Endeavor Landing Pod Landing 2×1
Endeavor Medical Bay Pod Medical 2×2
Endeavor Research Bay Pod Science 2×1
Endeavor Service Equipment & Crew Pod Life Support 2×1
Endeavor Supercollider Pod Overclocking 2×2
Endeavor Telescope Array Pod Exploration 2×1
Galaxy Cargo Module Freight
Galaxy Med Bay Module Medical
Galaxy Refinery Module Refinery


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