Stanton Security & Logistics Federation a corporation involving versatile multirole services within the Stanton System and beyond!
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Stanton Security & Logistics Federation was founded in the year 2952, Stanton System from a group of freelancer assets with invaluable experience ranging from trade and commerce which formed the foundational roles in rescue, mining, transport, tactical military and bounty hunting, salvage and exploration. Our aim in delivering high quality results and meeting with demand without compromising our integrity with various stakeholders and building a network of relationships with other organisations.
We wish to acknowledge our alliance and friendships with various trusted organisations and cooperation’s in collaboration with trusted leaders and meeting stakeholder requirements.
Our aim for 2954 is expanding our team and role playing within various roles to achieve the one goal, applying communication strategies and with additional support of members from various allied organisations to help fulfil our requirements to accommodate our high demand in Salvage, Cargo and Mining for 3.24 live and beyond! We are always a supportive and welcoming cooperation to all members.
SSLF Corporation will update History – Last Updated: Year 2954 by the Federation President in collaboration with the Federation Chairman.
The vision of Stanton Security & Logistics Federation is to bring a diverse multi role cooperation inclusive of a paid salary to all our members during events and coordinating multiple fleets simultaneously. Our corporation is dedicated in providing a diverse range of services within the Stanton System and beyond, building a dedicated fleet to implement a greater workforce structure to enhance our overall efficiency, service and contributions to stakeholders.
We have the following fleets in order:
– Bounty Hunting
– Engineering
– Exploration
– Security
– Salvage
– Rescue
– Mining
– Racing
– Cargo
The development of our command Centre will take place onboard the AEGIS JAVELIN which is responsible for communicating dispatch and jobs with all fleets remotely covering all trades across the verse and with further relationships with other Organization and Cooperation’s we may offer our services or negotiate temporary contract services. We offer flexibility to change roles if needed giving the ultimate player experience through the development of new skills in conjunction with team work, communication and building community.
___________________________________________ RECRUITING __________________________________________
We are a young cooperation and if you are seeking a gameplay with peers and friends to join along share each other’s strengths and build new skills in collaboration with other allied organizations and cooperation’s, look no further who wish to take part, SSLF is now recruiting!
– We are looking for dedicated Mining, Cargo and Security operations for the upcoming 3.23 patch, if you are new to the game, you will have bonus incentives. We have main events scheduled and we are keen to help all members through a fair salary + bonus incentives included.
– We are looking to expand operations in Cargo, Mining and Salvage which will be the main priority. We need Security escorts to provide protection and safe passage through a sophisticated trade route for the aim to deliver the goods safely and efficiently.
– We are looking for additional members for Salvage, Mining and Cargo operations, SSLF has coverage for an AEGIS RECLAIMER , MISC PROSPECTOR & ARGO MOLE , MISC HULL C and a DRAKE VULTURE. We encourage all our members to use your own ships.
SSLF will accommodate and cover running costs for your vessels as a bonus incentive on top of Salary or provide the equipment and ships for designated roleplay.
___________________________________________ DISCLAIMER __________________________________________
Stanton Security & Logistics Federation will provide any ships that are required for specific roles and we will never ask members to purchase via the RSI Website or grind for specific ships in game. We are a freelancer cooperation and everyone has the right of freedom to choose!
_________________________________________ Join Our Discord! _________________________________________
SSLF Corporation will update Manifesto – Last Updated: Year 2954 by the Federation President in collaboration with the Federation Chairman.
Stanton Security & Logistics Federation goal is to provide the logistical commerce and trade within the Stanton System and beyond! Our aim is to provide the support with high quality results to deliver and retain trust from various stakeholders in the interest and collaboration with other organisations.
We reserve the right to defend and protect our members and our cooperation should any conflict occur. We will take necessary action to defend us from harm and where possible seek resolutions in order to deescalate issues. Stanton Security & Logistics Federation will not tolerate any form of malicious behavior and intended grief to other members and partnered organisations. As such any acts will be dealt accordingly by the Federation Panel for disciplinary action.
SSLF Corporation will update Charter – Last Updated: 2954 by the Federation President in collaboration with the Federation Chairman.
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