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Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild / SUSPILOTS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Embark on an interstellar journey with the Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild, a dynamic and diverse organization of passionate pilots, adventurers, and traders in the vast universe of Star Citizen. Our guild is built on camaraderie, exploration, and the thrill of the unknown.


The Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild was formed by the Star Citizen players of the Sus Sisters Gaming Community, a diverse group of gamers who share a passion for space exploration, teamwork, and adventure. Originally established as a casual gaming group, the Sus Sisters quickly expanded into the vast universe of Star Citizen, driven by a shared love for the game’s immersive experience and limitless possibilities.

Recognizing the need for a dedicated organization within the Star Citizen universe, the Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild was born. Combining our community’s unique spirit with the ambition to explore, trade, and protect, we founded the Guild on the principles of camaraderie, cooperation, and versatility. From shipping and logistics to combat and exploration, we do it all—each mission undertaken with the strength and support of our tight-knit community.

Today, the Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a group of like-minded players comes together. We are proud of our roots in the Sus Sisters Gaming Community and continue to embody the values that brought us together in the first place. As we look to the future, our Guild is poised to expand its influence and reputation across the stars, one mission at a time.


Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild Manifesto

We are the Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild, born from the unity and spirit of the Sus Sisters Gaming Community. We are pilots, adventurers, explorers, and warriors bound together by our love for the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe. Our guild stands for more than just a name—it stands for a way of life among the stars.

Our Values:

Unity in Diversity: We are a diverse group of individuals, each bringing unique skills and perspectives. We embrace our differences and use them to build a stronger, more cohesive guild. Together, we face challenges, celebrate victories, and grow as one.

Relentless Exploration: The universe is vast and filled with endless opportunities. We venture into the unknown, charting new paths and discovering uncharted territories. Exploration is at the heart of our guild, and we seek to expand our horizons with every journey.

Excellence in All Endeavors: Whether we are transporting vital cargo, engaging in combat, or mining the depths of an asteroid field, we strive for excellence. Our commitment to being the best in what we do drives us to improve continuously, learn from each experience, and achieve greatness.

Strength Through Camaraderie: We are more than just pilots; we are a family. Our strength comes from the bonds we form, the trust we build, and the support we provide to one another. Together, we are unstoppable.

Adaptability and Versatility: We thrive in all environments—be it trade, combat, rescue, or exploration. Our ability to adapt to any situation ensures that we remain effective and resilient, no matter the challenges ahead.

Our Mission:

To boldly navigate the cosmos as a united guild, pushing the boundaries of exploration, fostering camaraderie, and achieving greatness among the stars. We are the Sus Si-Star Pilots Guild, and together, we will leave our mark on the universe.

Fly Safe, Fly Boldly, Fly Together!


Joining the Crew:

Anyone in the Sus Sisters Gaming Community is welcome to join. Just bring a good attitude, respect for others, and a passion for space. No room for negativity or drama here—we keep things fun and friendly.

How We Roll:

Our Guild is led by a Guild Leader and a group of Officers who help organize activities like shipping runs, exploration missions, mining ops, and combat support. We all pitch in, share ideas, and make things happen.

Guild Activities:

We do a bit of everything—transport, exploration, rescue missions, combat, you name it. Everyone’s encouraged to jump in, try new things, and have a blast.

Our Values:

Respect and Teamwork: Treat everyone with respect and work together.
Adventure and Fun: Stay curious, explore, and keep things fun.
Support and Growth: Help each other out, learn, and grow together.
Making Decisions:

We keep it simple—decisions are made by our Guild Leader and Officers, but everyone’s input is welcome. Got a great idea? Speak up!

Wrapping Up

We’re all about making the most of the Star Citizen universe with good company and great adventures. Fly with us, and let’s make some awesome memories!