TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] / TABOO

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Freelancing


TABOO, while also engaging in legitimate trades, aspires to be the Universal go-to for illicit goods and services. We aim to both access and ship all matter of rare, exotic and prohibited goods via unrestricted methods.

Live Excitingly! Click MANIFESTO!


Is a day as a dragon not better than a lifetime a sheep?


For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor the sheltered will never know

~~ Theodore Roosevelt

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The base goal of the Black Net is to create a diverse and interesting market-place for free-trade:

Not only offering merchandise but employment opportunities which are not restricted by law.
There are many individuals, teams and units out there offering a diverse range of skills and services – we aim to give you a place to connect with those seeking such services, whatever they may be.

We believe such a place attracts the most interesting, ambitious and confident kinds of characters – which, in turn, brings together the most diverse, exotic and desirable products and services.

Why do any of this if it is not interesting and entertaining?
Challenge yourself.

After all, anyone can hear ‘the stories’. Be a person who makes ‘the stories’.

With over a YEAR to wait for the full Persistent Universe, we are in no rush to push out half-arsed content to try and impress our members. - We are going to take our time and do it all right so that when the P.U. does hit in full, Black Networkers have efficient and polished utilities to aid their challenging crafts. -- (Thanks for all the interest in more Black Net content, though! We're committed to making it worth your time.

- A few utilities currently working on:

  • Site functions that will allow for the grading & review of services provided by teams/individuals by patrons (the “REP” system) Completed !
  • Functions which allow the categorising of trade/ products for buy & sell (the “Easy-Find” utility) Completed !
  • Black-Fleet characteristics & Structuring (For Direct members of the TABOO Black Net and their differing interests+personas)
  • General Black Net info & How-to use manual (The “Guide” [work in progress] in our Org Thread via- Forums)

— and the list goes on, on-top of connecting with various Companies and Syndicates that can both support and benefit from assisting the Black Net and those connected with it!

** As of now the Black Net Market { BNM } is now open . So start making your black deals today !!! **

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Our fight for lives of TRUE FREEDOMS continues to attract one of the UNDISPUTED fastest growing backing on the RSI site.
(and emerging copycats..) — But you back The Original and Best with your talents, You devilishly clever scoundrels, you!

——————————————————————- Forward!, to the Black Market reality! ——————————————————————-


———————————————————- Home of ———————————————————-
—————————— the Rogue, the Renegade, ——————————
————————— the Rascal and the Ruffian! —————————

Individuals connect to the TABOO Network for an immense variety of interesting reasons

The Black Trade Network is truly Unique in that its influence relies entirely on the strength and opportunity provided by it’s members.

This creates a diverse melting-pot of unlimited opportunities and connections across hundreds of different areas,
through hundreds of different people and Orgs, with hundreds of different things to offer.
The Network has attracted interesting Individuals from it’s very conception – as such, we could never fully comprehend the vast array of reasons they come to connect with the Network but we can provide some examples to give you an idea of the scope:

Individualists connect from hundreds of different Orgs and Factions for reasons such as;

- Buying/Selling illegal merchandise such as : Banned weapons + upgrades, Secret/Hacked info, rare/exotic products (pets, gear,illicit substance, etc.)
- Buying/Selling cheaper legal merchandise : (Pirated resources/cargo, smaller Orgs selling product cheaper by avoiding marketing costs, etc.)
- Access to hidden alliances, services, actions and affiliations
- Leading Double-lives
- Setting up questionable activities : Hostile acquisitions, illegal racing, gun show-downs, gladiator matches, gambling on such things..
- Avoiding heavy customs/market taxes via Smuggling and/or free-marketing.
- Buying/Selling Private Military /Security services // Buying/Selling Mercenary services.
- Acquiring distinct crew for distinct missions / ship work.
- Expanding personal Network of contacts across the array of other Orgs connected.
- Monitoring Black Market and Pirate activity, prices, etc. / Monitoring Org & Individual activity, prices, etc.
- Information trading : (Offering payment for info on; Bounty Targets, Org plans, Fleet movements, Cargo routes, etc..)
- Gathering with other adrenaline junkies, competitive ‘sportsmen’ , risk-addicts, gamblers, outlaws, double-lifers, spies, hackers, smugglers, pirates and other individualists who aren’t fully contained by law & rule.

apply to be a:

~ TABOO ~ High-Risker ~
( a part of the Black Net’ and an individual undaunted by the challenges set before great reward! )


~ Black-Marketeer ~
( a DIRECT power of the TABOO Black Net itself ! – Join one of the 5 Black Fleets, each with it’s own unique identity.)

, Denying the Underworld doesn’t make it disappear – It only blinds you to the reach of its influence


+ Join solo and build a fearsome rep,
sought across the entire Network for your skills and talent!
Or join with your Crew / Org as external affiliates
- Earning rep for your Crew / Org name,

while still having access to TABOO jobs, contracts and markets – keeping your rank in your Main Org!





  • /// Mission: —————————————————————————————-

- To gather ‘High Riskers’ — The people who can’t and won’t be entirely enslaved by the laws and rules of so many others.

- To fly the ever-black sky with such people, acquiring rarities, riches and pleasures forbidden to those who would not dare to risk.

- To build a Universe-expansive network for the buying and selling of ALL goods and services, regardless of the rules and restrictions of the different areas and peoples.

- To be known as the people who will do what they want, to get others what they want – not just what they are told they’re allowed to have.

- To live Truly, unbound by the beliefs of others. To live Freely, unbothered by their force. To live Thrillingly, unbridled by morality.


  • /// ‘Why “TABOO” as the network name?—————————————————————————————-

Definition of TABOO:
- a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing
- a taboo is a vehement prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake.

Founder and Chief, ::handle:: KILLCHASEY, believes this most accurately fits the calibre of person we seek to bring into our ranks.



“So many people, So many places – all with their own laws and ways.
All believing their way is true, their way is most ‘right’ – their punishments most ‘fair’.

I say it is the lie they take into themselves, the illusion that there are forces beyond ourselves that dictate our paths.
These people are low-risk, traipsing through life on a leash for the little reward they are told they deserve.

I say cast off the false shackles.
I say exorcise the lie of ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’.
I say you deserve everything you have the power to take with your own initiative.
I say the only thing truly holding us back is ourselves – The only natural truth, found within ourselves.

I say the high life is through High Risk, High Reward – and High Riskers heed none but themselves.

We must live as closely to exactly how we want to live as possible, everything else is accessory to that”.



  • /// ‘What does “Black Trade Network” Mean?———————————————————————————-

‘Black’ Trade(s) are the less reputable activities people may engage in.

The very nature of the reference colour, Black , infers that the Trade(s) referred to are covert, shrouded or otherwise activities and dealings that require discretion/secrecy due to crossing or entirely disregarding laws and/or external regulations.



(Here will exist a list of basic guidelines for Black-Networkers,
which we will all construct closer to the Persistent Universe launch, when it is clearer what is possible)


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Thanks for all the interest shown for extended Black Net info’ and utility! We’ve got a tonne to do, but we’re taking our time and doing it right!

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