Following the attack on Vega II and the Militia Mobilization Initiative’s launch, an additional initiative by the name of Terra Star Initiative was launched by Terra III local government to attempt to make its borders more secure and to ensure another Vega II situation does not happen at Terra. Under that initiative, Terran government would support, promote and provide funding to volunteer forces in good standing to elevate them into capable response fleets, should the Vanduul come knocking doors of Empire’s second heart. With lawful, authorized militia forces, private military companies and local bounty hunters gaining military-grade equipment in 2946 under MMI, Terra Star Initiative became the foundation of various mercenary groups, security firms and private militaries.
In 2946, the 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup was created through the TSI programme, made up of volunteers from many walks of life; from ex-UEE military personnel to Vega survivors. Due to the 36th Battlegroup originating from Terra, eventually they became known as the “Terra Star Expeditionary Battlegroup” in addition to the official designation. While starting as a small private military that specialized in scouting, partisan operations and reconnaissance, 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup managed to make a name for themselves through fulfilling contracts against local NovaRiders and NineTails cells at harder to reach locations, away from the main supply lines and reinforcements. 36th’s capabilities grew over time with more lucrative contracts, former military members’ networks and a Terran senator taking an interest in both the TSI and 36th’s operations. By 2951, the Battlegroup fielded several gunships and expanded area of operations even into Nyx to quell Vanduul raids. This expanded area of operations gave rise to a substantial amount of supportive departments and squadrons within the 36th, from engineering to research, as the battlegroup needed to construct, operate and maintain it’s own facilities, especially within frontier worlds and beyond UEE borders to keep a robust supply chain and avoid being externally dependant.36th’s first large scale operation was during the first XenoThreat assault on Stanton, where they worked alongside CDF elements and UEES War Hammer in defense of INS Jericho station. During the incursion, 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup became known for destroying XenoThreat Idris frigates from within through boarding maneuvers, Subsequently, the battlegroup answered the call in nearly every CDF deployment and was recognized as veteran first responders by the CDF and known as reliable partners by Crusader Industries in a few years, defending Stanton system from numerous NineTails blockades and the Siege of Orison.
36th’s capabilities was truly tested in 2954, as Slicers’ incursion brought destruction and chaos to people of Stanton and CDF was once more called to action. While the 36th faced initial successes in countering the Slicers threat in skirmishes around the system’s moons, this success would soon turn to tragedy as the battlegroup found itself jumping into yet another small skirmish that had escalated into a major engagement. Another militia group by the name of the Glaciem Liberation Front had engaged a sizeable force of Slicer assault craft orbiting one of Crusader’s comm arrays and quickly found itself on the back foot as a Slicers Idris and its supporting craft joined the engagement. Taking heavy casualties in this ambush, the group was barely saved by the 36th’s arrival but the situation quickly devolved into chaos as 36th’s flaghip was destroyed by the Slicers’ Idris. Robbed of its leadership and heavier assets, the 36th suffered heavy losses, with several ships being lost even before fleet command could be passed downwards.
The battle was eventually won by remaining elements of the GLF forces regrouping and aiding the 36th. In the aftermath of the battle, remnants of GLF was integrated into Terra Star Expeditionary Battlegroup to bring it back to near full strength.
Under the fresh command of Admiral Michael “Shooter” Richards and tensions rising in Pyro, the 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup found its views about Pyro system shifted from a transit hub towards a new frontier. As elements of the battlegroup that had remained in Terra were quickly transferred to the Stanton system and capital warships became available, they became a prominent security and logistical contributor to the efforts of the Citizens for Prosperity.
Today, Terra Star Expeditionary Battlegroup operates with multiple departments, task forces and squadrons, with several functions under each department and a rank structure of eight ranks, adopting UEE Navy-like structure but in a “condensed” manner, with some of the “grade” ranks removed. 36th Battlegroup members are not limited in activities and initiatives they can pursue, regardless of chosen squadron or specialization.
Specializations and Departments:
The 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup is made out of multiple departments, flotillas and squadrons, each one specializing in different fields to ensure the 36th is an effective and versatile private military. 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup is capable of fielding various sizes of fighters, gunships and even UEE surplus Javelin-class Destroyers. Despite the wide range of available assets and far heavier warships, most notable ship type of the battlegroup is the newly commissioned Polaris-class Corvette.
Fleet Operations personnel specializes in operating various systems of all multi-crew ships, ranging from light gunships like Redeemers to Javelin-class destroyers. If sufficiently ranked, Fleet Operations personnel may even command multi-crew classified ships or a flotilla, with the size of the ship or composition of the flotilla depending on the rank. Together, crews, from the gunnery Starmen to the Captain, forms a well oiled machine, working in tandem to ensure their ship remains efficient and missions are successful.
Aviation personnel specializes in operating various single and duo-seater spacecraft found within 36th Battlegroup’s inventory, operating as part of a squadron. From Interceptors to Bombers, the wide variety of ships require different approaches in training and take a considerable time to master each of them. Higher ranked officers may even find themselves in command of squadrons
The Havoc Platoon is the terrestrial operations body operating under 36th Battlegroup. While primarily made out of multiple squad-sized infantry units, they are supported by a wide ranging arsenal of heavy weapons and vehicles, from FS-9 LMG to Nova Tonk.
Applied Sciences Department (ASD) – Applied Sciences Department came to fruition due to 36th Battlegroup Command determining that research matters should be a singular department rather than part of an existing unit. Overseeing all types of research and blueprint acquisition matters, from improving an infantry rifle to achieving breakthroughs in ship component performance, ASD is the lifeline of 36th Expeditionary Battlegroup’s innovative doctrine.
Engineer Corps – Be it newly constructed outposts or that one Drake rustbucket Starmen love, they can’t function without a solid team of engineers, damage control teams and production chains. Engineer Corps oversees maintenance teams and ensures that the 36th always have a way to make sure every piece of equipment under use lasts to the test of time. EC tends to work hand-to-hand with every other squadron and department and utilizes even converted salvage ships as field repair ships, since they are dependant on both resources as well as blueprints to maintain equipment.
Starlifter Corps – All routes leads to Terra and Starlifter Corps of Terra Star Expeditionary Battlegroup is looking to ensure some routes lead back to the frontier. Home to former naval logisticians, industrialists, merchants, personnel with a knack for heavy machinery and construction crews, TSEB-SC is always looking to gather more resources, build more outposts, produce more equipment and ship goods and materials the Battlegroup needs in a timely manner. Utilizing a variety of ships ranging from Vultures to venerable Pioneer Heavy Constructor, this versatile unit also acts as a gateway to relations with local inhabitants of systems.
Pathfinder Corps – The Pathfinder Corps is the pioneering and reconnaissance arm of the 36th and true carriers of frontier spirit, leading the way forward, both literally and figuratively. Their spearheading efforts in discovery are paramount to broadening the horizons of Terra Star Expeditionary Battlegroup. From surveying resource fields to tracking hostile contacts with stealth ships, Pathfinder Corps allow TSEB to see further and go boldly where no man has gone.
Task Force 33 “Star Saviors” – Born as an extension to 36th’s humanitarian aid operations, Star Saviors Task Force offers an unique, opt-in way of existing personnel to make further differences in the lives of Civilians and UEE Citizens alike. As a temporary assignment, TF 33’s size and capabilities changes rapidly depending on taskings at hand. 36th Battlegroup personnel that satisfies medical knowledge requirement can become a Star Savior and receive notifications of emergencies.
Emergency Request Beacons, provided by Alliance Initiative Beacon System allows Task Force 33 volunteers to respond to requests that come through other organization channels as well as OD3ICA SpaceComms Relay Service.
1. Use Common Sense. If you have to think twice about your actions’ consequences, they probaly are harmful to this community.
2. RL > SC, try to notify your absence from a planned event beforehands if you have registered already though. Just a simple notification suffices.
3. Avoid bigotry, racism, sexism, NSFW content, malicous links etc.
0. We do everything SC offers, except for piracy. We portray ourselves as a UEE Navy unit. While we do not condone piracy, if you pirate on your own time, thats not our business but you must ensure it does not bite us back and you can not request backup from us when you are pirating somebody.
1. While we all play for fun and majority of times do casual stuff, there may be times where focused, serious comms are to be held due to situations we are in, relaying essential info and then making way for next talker will be important in those cases. Comply when somebody requests comms break.
2. Roleplay is absolutely encouraged, although we will mpstly keep it to specific events. This includes maintaining your chosen in-game persona, bringing appropriate clothing/uniform/equipment/ship.
3. We thrive together with new citizens. Aid them in their journey unless we are in the middle of a mission/event.
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