Hello and welcome to REX. The names Obi, Obi Xsoule and i am the leader of this organisation. We here at Rex are a salvage and exploration company. Honestly, we’re scavengers a heart. We are a group of collectors that do jobs everywhere. If you require any additional information, contact Obi
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- We are scavengers at heart
-We like to keep to ourselves but will act if necessary
-Any Problems, keep to yourself
-Don’t bother us we won’t bother you
-If you come to close to us, you will be fired upon( contact must be made first)
-Industrial salvage
-Depending on what we find, we might have a few upgrades, ships or items you desire
-We’re good at making all those unwanted battles or events disappear
-We also provide repair jobs in case your stuck in a pickle
-You know the location of something but are too scared to go yourself? Not a problem, we’re not pussies, we’ll go and get it
-(Future big game plans in works)
-Respect the other members of REX -This includes new and old members
-Obey Members in command -Both temporary and permanent
-Higher ranked members have better authority but they are not in command unless designated
-While in production, all members must follow orders - Mistakes can and will be made
-If a foreign player is in close or visual proximity, do not engage unless advised or attacked first
-Escorts must keep safe distance and always have an eye out in case of danger
- As scavengers and treasure hunters, we will be going to places we might not be entirely allowed to be - Always be on the look out
- All personal items must be consulted before use - This includes personal ships
-If while scavenging you come across a specific item that you wish to keep, the item must be reviewed before ownership is bestowed - Includes ships, upgrades or items
-If you need to go AFK during any operation - Please notify current leadership
-If while exploring personally and or with a group and come across a wreckage or any type of information in that sort – Contact head/higher members informing them on what you found before informing others.
-Complaints are to be sent to any Ancestor, Elder or Head Hunter members
-Recommendations are to be sent to Ancestor or Elder Members: -If Specific, Consult Respective Members (Head Hunter, Public Mask)
-If any of the rules are broken, specific punishment will be inflicted - This ranges from time away, repossession, and discharge from REX