Timberwolf Security Solutions / TWGC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Timberwolf Security Solutions. When you need a one stop shop for all your security needs.

We provide well coordinated complete solutions and provide peace of mind to all of your operations.
From combat support, to escort missions, when you hire the wolves, you become part of the pack.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.

The Timberwolves believe that true freedom is fought for. Only by supporting our local systems will we thrive together in these difficult times.
We will provide security and peace of mind for all those who live within our borders

This organization will colonize a system, establish an industrial foothold and defend all those who live within our borders. Trading with neighboring systems. We intend to start out as a group of veterans from the recent warring with the Vanduul, who started their own security company in an effort to survive and put food on the table. Then, we able, establish a sustainable clan on a moon or planets surface to call home. Under our own protection rather then the UEE’s. We are not rebels, or pirates. We are of our own flag. The empire leaves us alone and we shall do the same for them.

—— WIP ——


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Rules always subject to change. Each major rule violation, or repeated incidents will carry the possibility of suspension, demotion or banishment from the clan by decision of the council.
Please Observe the following rules, and follow them respectfully.
All rules are enforced by our staff team, all infractions come with a warning.


GOLDEN RULE 1: Don’t Piss off, or get the clan leader in trouble. He has a long fuse and a lot of patience. If you get on his list, you may never come off. Don’t start fires in other clans unless you can put them out yourself.

GOLDEN RULE 2: Respect the council, together they make hard calls, and tough decisions for the better of the clan. We are in this together.

GOLDEN RULE 3: Life comes first. Period. Real life will always take priority over this game. No punishment will be issued for absences, breaks or otherwise. However if you are in an important position and cannot fulfill your duties you may be brought to the council for re assignment.

1. Show respect to your fellow community members, absolutely no harassment, or bigotry will be tolerated.

2. All U.S and U.K laws on what is legal on and offline will be in effect within our clan. IE: Do not get caught posting Illegal photography or videos.

3. Rule of fun: Remember we are playing a game. Inclusion of others is the only way the game can be played. Members will be of many skill levels, intellect and wisdom.

4. No advertising other communities publicly or via DM unless requested, no poaching.

5. We do have underage members, and those who do not wish to see explicit content mind your audience.

6. Keep content where it is intended to be. IE: Dont discuss clan finances in public chats


8. Please remember that people have other beliefs and/or religion, or have traumas from their pasts that they may be dealing with. If you know posting something will offend or hurt someone that will see it. Then don’t post it.

Be aware rules may be adjusted at anytime