The Wolf Pack / TWPACK

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Greetings, we are a small group of close-knit and dedicated individual’s that seek to tackle the challenges of this new frontier.

- “If you ask ‘Should we be in space?’ you ask a nonsense question. We are in space. We will be in space.” -Frank Herbert


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Our goal is to become an integral partner for people and corporations/organizations that are looking for help with transport, mining, salvage or other industrial or exploration needs.


The Wolf Pack (short TWP)

  • Members are citizens or civilians contracted by TWP.
  • Members may be affiliated with other Organizations but are obligated to inform at least one Officer in TWP of its affiliations.
  • A member may not pass beyond the position of Experienced if TWP is not their major organisation. Special exceptions may be made if the council of TWP agrees on it.
General Rules and Regulations
  • Members of TWP shall not assault or cause bodily harm to another member of TWP. Self-defence is permitted.
  • Members of TWP shall not steal from or cheat another member of TWP.
  • Public relations are important for continued business and as such Members are requested to not engage in public disputes that could reflect poorly on TWP. If in doubt contact an Officer, or a fellow Member for assistance.
  • If an internal dispute arises Members are given permission to defend their case, but not merely to create awkwardness. If there is a feud within the TWP that causes problems then contact an Officer.
  • Members should always respect the chain of command but in case of any disagreements always contact an Officer.
  • TWP has a no tolerance policy on the use of bugs, exploitation, and the use of third party software to provide yourself with an unfair advantage within the game, breaking this rule will result in removal from the guild and possibly a report to RSI.
  • There is a zero tolerance on any sort of racism, homophobia, and sexist behaviour, this also coincides with any other form of prejudice that could possibly arise. Any problems relating to this should be reported to an Officer.
Piloting Riles and Regulations
  • Members of TWP are given access on any guild hangar or station regardless of rank or role.
  • Members of TWP are expected to contribute their vessel to any guild matter if requested in times of great need.
  • Pilots of TWP have the right to defend: Themselves, other members of TWP, pilots of the current fleet, allies of TWP and friends of Members from any and all acts of aggression.
  • Under no circumstances is it tolerable to engage with allied forces unless attacked first, then you may defend yourselves under the previous rule.
  • When working with other members of TWP to complete a mission, always listen to the leader of the operation. Furthermore if leading the said operation, do not abuse the power and position given to you to ruin the fun and benefit of the mission to other members.
  • If working under a different organization or fleet then you will be expected to follow their fleet guidelines as long as it does not infringe on the Charters policies.
*But above all have fun and be polite to each other. We are all here to support you as you are to support TWP.