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The Evil Tyrannos / TYRANNOS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Piracy

The Evil Tyrannos is an outlaw/pirate community free from the oppression of the UEE. It takes all kinds to live off the grid; miners, haulers, explorers, combat personnel and more. So if you want to live on the fringes of both the galaxy and society

Apply on Discord!


Founded by our glorious leaders Genghis Rex and Thorn Battleborn in 2944, the Evil Tyrannos’s goal has always been to let people in the verse live the way they want to live, free of the UEE’s oppressive boot. we are working to carve out a nice little slice of the heavens to call our own, bringing a bit of civilization to the void, and a bit of class to piracy! We have been stealing from the rich and privileged and giving to our brothers and sisters in crime for years, and aren’t slowing down any time soon!


The Evil Tyrannos is a group of like minded pirates outlaws and industrialists looking to make a profit in whatever ways pay the most. The true goal is self sufficiency and working together to carve out a nice little corner of the galaxy that we can call our own. Though many may call our practices morally questionable we prefer to see our business ventures as “aggressive but not bloodthirsty”. Our “clients” are worth far more to us alive than dead.


Rules and Regulations

  • No politics or starting mention of it
  • No racism, defamation, slander, whistle-blowing
  • Toxic behavior not allowed, if asked to stop, refrain from continuing. 24 hour ban issued if broken, second infringement will result in a perma ban.
  • We are pirates. We help each other and have no regard to outsiders
  • Inclusive on the Inside Exclusive on the Outside
  • Unacceptable behavior will result in the following: A verbal warning to desist. If continued a one hour ban, of continued a 24 hour ban, if continued a one week ban, if continued permanent ejection from the Org