Recruitment Officiers: (up to 7)
Member Management: (2x)
Branding/Marketing: (2x)
Webmaster: (1x)
500 members
own Teamspeak channel
2593-2639: some planets dissolve from the UEE, as they aren’t happy with the reckless way of the UEE
2638: Senator Assan Kieren from Terra has to disappear, as the advocacy is after him
2639: Assan Kieren secretly forms the United Republic out of the dissolved Planets
2650: Assan Kieren gets assassinated by a unknown Bounty Hunter; some people believe he was hired by the UEE, but nothing can be proven
2793: After the overthrow of the UEE’s government a peace and commercial agreement is signed by Erin Toi and the presidents of the UEE on Terra
Our goal is to build a strong community with advantages and fun for everybody. Whether you want to be totally free in what you do or you want to participate in an organized/hardcore structure. (more on this below) YOU’R WELCOME!
Further we try to gain influence in the PU both economy and military wise to create something big.
If we have enough members at the launch of the game , we want to claim a sector with perfect conditions to build a great economy to help our organization and you – the members – to advance in the game.
If want to have fun, be part of a great community and advance like no other.
What are you waiting for ?
We think that our Organization has a place for everybody wheter you want hardcore role-play action or just a network of nice people.
United Republic is the place to go!
Also we will update our History frequently with new episodes.
As a Main Member you are able to join our Main Navy and work for the Republic in one of our various factorys or as a trader etc.
- building a big and strong community
- fun
- archiving an efficient economy
- … and a strong Navy
- Real life comes first!
- Follow the rules of the Organization!
- Any form of racism or sexism is not tolerated in any way!
- No flaming!
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