Ultra Violet Tech / UVT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Scouting
  • Infiltration

Welcome to Ultra Violet Technologies. We are a mysterious org that deals with jobs quietly, swiftly, and with no trace. We use top of the line technology created at our bases to achieve infiltration, escorts, and an all round elite force on ground, and in the skies. We are aligned with justice.


We are based in the Stanton System, on MircoTech, in the city of New Babbage – but we have secret bases and fleets across the whole system.


We believe in support, and respect. We encumber many different ideologies. The main one is that we are strictly AGAINST pirates. We work with the UEE and other orgs to achieve support for members and new players that get screwed over by pirates, and new players that have just joined the ‘verse. Providing escorts, negotiable amounts of money to help members and players get back on their feet.


  • A member of UVT has the obligation to help those in need, when able to.
  • A member of UVT must respect all members and players. Treat others who you would want to be treated.
  • Provide support to new players / players who have be a victim of a crime (players who have been pirated, wrongly imprisoned, etc).