Read our History, Manifesto, and Charter for an overview of the org.
Join us on our Discord to chat or speak
to one of us in our lobby area for prospective members.
Applicants must join our Discord before their application can be processed.
Vashtar Industrial was established for tax purposes by the late Karol Vashtar in 2842 after he came into possession of a small mining vessel. Having known nothing but long hours and hard labor in his youth, Karol soon collected enough ore to build up a small fleet of mining ships, contracting out the work for each until Vashtar evolved into the conglomerate it is today. An unapologetic workaholic, Karol had little use for his fortune or the family it afforded him; he reinvested his time – and most of his money – back into the business. In his limited time away from administrative tasks, Karol was known for continuing to mine ore in the same old ship that started it all.
Several generations later, Vashtar Industrial remains under private ownership and is currently led by Karol’s great-grandson, Sredni. In contrast to his great-grandfather, Sredni is known for his fondness of luxury and, in particular, appreciation of flashy Origin spacecraft – a brand his great-grandfather loathed. Some have criticized Sredni’s tendency to leave much of the administrative work to hired help, preferring to spend his time (and money) on the race track.
Vashtar Industrial is a casual-friendly org with a focus on gameplay in all legal trades, including science, discovery, mining, salvage, construction, transport, refuel and repair. Piracy and unprovoked aggression are forbidden by characters associated with our organization.†
We currently possess all the necessary ships to engage in the above styles of play, so we’re interested in you and your character, not your ships.
We aim to be a close-knit org with a respectful, friendly, and supportive culture at its core. To this end, we have a low tolerance‡ for individuals who antagonize, have poor interpersonal skills, cause drama, or otherwise interfere with VASHI remaining a friendly and good-natured community. As we grow, game play departments will be organized as necessary to maintain this tight-knit culture. We are prepared to halt (or pause) recruitment to ensure our community stays strong.
We provide:
- A respectful, friendly, drama-free, community of adults from around the world to socialize and enjoy Star Citizen with.
- A real-life-comes-first, casual-friendly environment. No activity or play requirements for our members. No elitism.
- An organized, assertive, and measured leadership to keep our community standards in tact and to facilitate effective decision-making in organized operations.
- Support for regular and hardcore players through leadership, logistics, and operations/event-planning opportunities.
- Supported gameplay at all levels in every lawful career, including science, exploration, mining, construction, transport, fuel, repair, supply, medical, salvage, rescue, and security. We already possess and offer ALL the necessary ships for these careers, so we’re interested in you, not your hangar. Starter-package folks welcome!
We want members who:
- Are 21 years of age or older.
- Have a passion for space, exploration, excellence, and discovery.
- Value community, kindness, and cooperation.
- Have strong interpersonal and communication skills.
- Have the patience and perspective to pursue long-term goals.
†We don’t demand folks abstain entirely from piracy or other forms of “alternative” play provided this done with an alternate character/account and outside our knowledge. Our interest is in protecting org reputation. For this reason, VASHI does not permit its members to have affiliation with unlawful orgs or to redact/hide their org affiliations.
‡We have detailed Policies and Procedure, including Standards of Communication and Conduct that make these expectations clear. While we do try to work with folks through honest mistakes, those who demonstrate an inability to course-correct or malicious intent in their conduct with others will be swiftly shown the door.
Members of Vashtar Industrial can count on a friendly, respectful, and active group of folks to play with in the verse. By the time the game is live, we will have at least weekly (if not daily) organized events as well as ongoing, persistent operations. We will support casual, regular, and hardcore players through a variety of career roles and opportunities. During alpha, we are keeping play more casual, with drop-in play throughout the week and an average 1-2 events on weekends.
At the affiliate level, you are welcomed to participate in all org play and events (including organizing and hosting), but may not participate in leadership, earn rank, or access certain areas/resources of the org. Affiliates also have limited access to our Discord and Spectrum.
Full members have Vashtar Industrial identified as their “main” org. Members can earn rank, participate in leadership, organize by department, take on official specific roles, and have access to all areas of Discord and Spectrum. Members who achieve admiral rank are eligible to apply for board membership, Vashtar Industrial’s governing body.
All promotions and assignments are managed by our board. As the organization grows, so too will its opportunities for advancement and the delegation of leadership tasks.
Interested members earn rank based on consistency in merit over time. As a guide to how “merit” is defined, please refer to the following org principles:
• Integrity
• Respect
• Teamwork
• Fellowship
While VASHI supports casual membership and has no playtime or participation requirements, we do have some basic rules:
1. Must remain connected to VASHI Discord server (i.e. do not leave the server).
2. Must capably follow orders/directives according to rank promptly and respectfully.
3. Membership/affiliation with unlawful/piracy organizations is prohibited. Pursuant to this, all org affiliations and memberships must be fully visible (including VASHI) on RSI. No hidden or redacted affiliations/memberships will be permitted.
4. Adhere to VASHI Standards of Communication and Conduct. This includes treating others with respect and refraining from any griefing or trolling behavior of other players.
5. Respond to official direct messaging by Board Members in a timely manner.
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