The Interstellar Republic of Venisia / VENISIA

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Democratia ex Imperio

Welcome to the Interstellar Republic of Venisia. We are an autonomous democratic country which will claim systems, make public offices, and hold elections. Anybody can join, and we welcome organizations which prefer a dynamic democracy to the static empire of the UEE.



Several years ago, on the fringes of space, the UEE enacted a policy that restricted trade on corporations and travel of groups, believing that the groups were truly pirates in disguise. Disgusted by the lack of trust and representation, a lone corporation continued its operations believing that the UEE was not going to truly enforce such a ridiculous policy. However, thirteen days later, the CEO’s son was killed by UEE officials who shot down his ship for violating the ban. Enraged by this lack of due process, the man gathered popular support of the people in the outlying worlds and led a rebellion that ripped the people away from the UEE. Sadly, the leader was killed during the final battle, and in his memory the survivors created The Interstellar Republic of Venisia to reflect true Justice and representation. The man was then given the honorary title of High Minister, which made Minister Venisiano the first leader of the Republic. His name is now the name of our great nation, and we will do everything we can to defend the rights of our people and allow the freedom of wealth for our organizations. Nobody should be unjustly killed, and nobody should have to follow any law without at least having representation so that their grievances can be heard.

Venisiano was a great leader, but all great leaders are supported by other leaders. The current Primes of the Republic have parentage who were key figures in the the fight against the UEE.

Septimus Adamo, father of the current Prime Adamo, was the Fleet Admiral at the time of the war. He was instrumental in the fight of sector 709-E, and saw the destruction of two Titans, seventeen Capitals, over forty Frigates, seventy Cruisers, and hundreds of Fighters throughout the war. Now known as Fleet 01, Septimus’s fleet is now the primary defense force of the Republic, answering directly to Prime Adamo. Fleets 02 to 07 have their own separate admirals who have a degree of autonomy from Fleet Command and are appointed by Prime Adamo. Fleets 02 to 07 are now primarily exploration and security forces. Adamo’s mother, Serevenia Adamo, was the famed captain who collided her frigate, the Falcon of Freedom, into the High Admiral’s titan during the battle of sector 008-F. Although the Admiral escaped, her actions turned the tide and helped to liberate the sector. In a traditional fashion, the current Prime was taught by his father the art of military strategy and has already proven himself in protecting planets from several pirate raids, and distinguished himself in peace talks with a UEE captain who threatened to cross the border a few years ago. After defending planet 04 in sector 07-E from a religious extremist and his army, Iulius Aurelius Adamo was heralded as the “Hero of the Republic”, a title that he still holds. Iulius Adamo is known also for his political treatise, A Galactic Democracy.

Tershio Vir was one of the most instrumental figures in the war against the UEE. While Adamo was on the forefront, Tershio and his wife, Akarassana, worked as an unstoppable team, sabotaging key military targets and disrupting supply lines throughout UEE space. Known as the “shadows without a form”, the two are said to have been the reason why so many battles turned to victory. Vir and his wife even destroyed an entire space defense station in sector 007-A which allowed Admiral Adamo to concentrate his forces in sector 007-E, solidifying victory in that sector. When the Republic was established, Vir established the Bureau of Espionage, an organization who’s sole purpose is to assess threats and possibly destroy them before broad military action is required. Several raids and invasions have been halted because of their efforts, freeing the defense force from too many engagements. Without the Department of Espionage, as it is called now, the Republic would have face more battles and suffered many more casualties than it has sustained to this day. Prime Vir has already established himself as an expert in the field, often being called the “missing shadow”, and has halted several terrorist attacks and raids that would have been disastrous for the Republic. He has received numerous commendations from the High Minister, and is known as one of the greatest figures in the Republic’s more recent history.


We are a Federation which broke from the shackles of the UEE to give voices to the people of the ‘verse. We chose to abandon the imperialistic mindset that the UEE forces upon its citizens, and instead become focused on trade and domestic issues. Our nation will be focused on the rule of the people, and thus can change if our community agrees. For instance, if we are attacked on on outpost by the UEE, we will hold a vote on whether to go go war. If the Banu begin to steal from merchant ships, an embargo may take place. Anyone will be allowed to join, and those not interested in politics will have the ability to enjoy our freedoms and specialist jobs all the same.

Organizations and their Representatives

Interstellar Exploration Firm – CaptainCosmo


Cyber Space Goths – Cyber_Goth

VIP Escort & Protective Services – Odac

Space Inc. – Chareth Cutestory

Brighthawk Interstellar Trade and Exploration – MagmaMan

The Last Light – LuxAngel7

Nex Exercitus – Selest Cayal

Royal Arsenal – Nainoa


The Unified Galactic Empire



Citizenship in the Interstellar Republic of Venisia is quite simplistic, and doesn’t require the hardships endured to become a citizen of the UEE. All that is required for citizenship is joining the organization as an affiliate or member. Members and affiliates, however, have differing rights. Members are the only individuals allowed to seek a Specialist or Prime positions. Affiliates and members have the right to vote, and their votes are counted equally.

Ranks and Their Meanings

  • High Minister: This is the elected leader of the Interstellar Republic of Venisia. The High Minister’s term in office is one year, and they cannot stay for more than two terms in a row. The High Minister represents his or her country by standing as the primary diplomat, watching over major meetings of the Population Representatives, and keeping individuals accountable for their actions while in office. The High Minister can be removed through a vote of no confidence issued by Congress.
  • Prime: These individuals are instrumental members of the organization who are not elected. Member’s terms last indefinitely, but they can be kicked out by a vote from the Council of Representatives that is not vetoed by the Council of Organizations. Members will stand as heads of their respective departments.
  • Congressman: This is the most powerful branch of the Venisian government. They are able to propose laws and vote on them, as well as vote to remove the High Minister from office. Terms last for one year, and elections take place halfway through the High Minister’s term. There is one Congressman for every 25 citizens. (Note: Congressman is a catch-all term. There is no gender discrimination in Venisia).
  • Senator: Senators have the right to veto laws proposed by Congress. Every organization is allowed to send one member as a Senator.
  • Specialist: The next section of this charter is devoted to Specialists.


Specialists are employed by the government for specific roles, and must be full members. The following are the current Specialist Departments that a member can be hired into. Each has a Head who is a Prime. Message the corresponding Prime for a position.
  • Department of Personal Security (guard high priority individuals)
  • Department of Fleet Command (design tactics for wars and battles, as well as provide a police and exploration force. The approval of this group is necessary to declare war) – Led by Prime Adamo
  • Department of Commerce (decide on budgeting and taxation)
  • Department of Intelligence (run espionage missions and help defend the organization from threats that have not been fully realized) – Led by Prime Vir
  • Department of Production (oversees internal production and efficiency)

Message Prime Vir for more information or in order to apply for a position for Departments that have not been assigned a Prime.


Our organization has a small military force centered on anti-piracy operations. However, the military does reserve the right to draft citizens in time of war, whether it was declared by the Venisian congress or by a foreign power.


The Interstellar Republic of Venisia will not collect taxes (unless the congress for some reason really wants it). However, donations will result in benefits (depending on the amount given). Also, gains in official combat will be collected and distributed by Venisia, with a small portion withheld for the sake of maintaining the government and capital ships.

Rights of Citizens

The rights of citizens are very important to Venisia, and apply to all of its members
  1. Citizens have the right to vote.
  2. Citizens have the right to free speech, so long as this does not endanger other citizens directly.
  3. Citizens have the right to trial by jury.
  4. Citizens have the right to protect their property.
  5. Citizens have the right to all forms of weaponry and vehicles unless directly prohibited.
  6. Citizens have the right to self-defense.
  7. Citizens have the right to move and speak to other nations freely, so long as they: a: Aren’t directly prohibited by the government b: Aren’t at war with said nation c: Do not claim to speak as a representative for the republic

Political Parties of Venisia

You can’t have a proper Republic without Parties. Venisia has a five party system, each with a different focus.
  1. Militarist Party : This party believes that in order to get rich, you need resources, and the best way to do that is through conquest. They want a larger standing military and believe that war is a means to an end. Believes in turning the Republic into an extensive superpower.
  2. Populist Party : The “party of the people”, this party believes in very low taxes and maximum individual freedoms. Believes that the smaller the government, the better.
  3. Centralist Party : The Populist’s greatest rival, the Centralist Party believes in higher taxes in order to create more extensive programs and a better police force for enforcement of the several laws they believe in. Mantra is “Order is better than Freedom”.
  4. Merchant Party : The Party for the merchants, this party believes that trade produces the most wealth for all. They believe that the government’s sole function is to facilitate and monitor trade so that the maximum profit can be reached.
  5. Pacifist Party : The party that believes that war is to never be declared, and that defense is the only option available. Does not believe in a large standing military, and wants a minimal police force with limited weaponry. Believes in the restriction of weapons of the citizens.
Each Party has a Head that acts as the organizer and leader of the Party. When you want to run for a position, contact the respective Party Head for the Party you wish to fall under on election day. Remember, choose a party that you will vote similar to, otherwise you may be voted out of office and replaced!

Judiciary Affairs

Venisia believes in the Rule of Law, so a Judicial branch is necessary. An outline for the Branch is as follows:
  1. Matters of extremely high importance can find their way to the Council of Representatives.
  2. The primary court is the Prime Council, with each Prime acting as a Judge.
  3. The council can appoint other Judges and create smaller courts for minor affairs.
  4. Specialists will exist as prosecution attorneys for criminal trials and represent the State, and the defense is expected to either defend themselves or hire a representative.
  5. For Civil Suits, if less than 40% of the jurors vote for the Plaintiff, then the Plaintiff owes the court 20,000 UEC’s to cover court fees and to deter frivolous suits.
  6. If a side believes that the trial was in any way biased against them, they may try to appeal to the High Court. The High Court can either accept the appeal of deny it.