Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Vigilant Sun Enterprise / VSE

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing


Spawning from the ashes of the old world order

One of the oldest Freelance, Private Military Companies this side of the known universe, The “Vigilant Sun” has paved the way for all other security & protection agencies.

Their formation originated after The Massacre of Garron II. When the old Imperator Government was overthrown in 2792, the galaxy and all surrounding systems were all in complete disarray. The military was already spread too thin & eventually was forced to breaking point under the new movement. The catalyst being centered around the massacre’s growing debate after video information leaked onto the public news spectrum. This ultimately led to only further dissension. The entire regime ultimately crumbled after the reform and smaller factions of military personnel were reborn from it’s dead remains.

The 69th Squadron “Red Phoenix”

…were far into the reaches of deep space on exploration and resource reconnaissance missions at the time. They were disconnected from all squadron communications by a series of ion storms shortly before they were attacked by a large group of Xi’an militant forces. All-but destroyed, the last commanding fighters lead by Squadron Leader Lanka “молния” (lightning) Ulyanovsk fought their way back into the reaches of Terran owned cosmos.

The remaining survivors of the attack believed they had reached safety as they crossed into the UNE owned territory, only to be fired upon by a sizable squadron of formerly friendly forces, cutting the remaining members of the 69th down by two more before they could stop the battle and request a formal parlay to figure out what was going on. Upon their discussion they learned of the new world order and the abandonment of their own military by their government, the remaining members 69th fled to a distant trade sector to attempt to live out the rest of their lives in solitude.

Three years of peace passed for the survivors before a band of pirates attacked the trade planet they were living on murdering and pillaging and killing some of their now sons & wives. The last of the 69th put up a valiant battle and savagely hunted down & executed every pirate that had attacked the planet. In the aftermath the fighters left the planet and made a pact to protect & defend those who needed it. They banded together from the remaining members, calling back into action all their former contacts from all sectors for support and allegiance.

In the year 2796 VIGILANT SUN ENTERPRISE was formed.


“Always be Vigilant. Never Give up”

We seek to defend and protect the misfortunate and those in need and strive to bring swift justice to those who would do harm to those who cannot defend themselves. We will be there to demand retribution. It is our price.

Our strategy is to bring balance to an imbalanced universe. We will keep our eyes sharp and fixed upon the our enemy.

For even when it seems that all is a lost cause… We believe that perseverance may yet see us, and those around us through the darkest of hours.

One small hope may inspire others; not to change the universe… but perhaps just one small piece of it.

No matter how impossible the task, We commit ourselves to face all opposition head-on with determination and with honor.

Discriminating and evaluating all tactics & possible outcomes for any situation, we stand prepared.

We move ever forward to ensure our given task is complete. We remind ourselves that beyond money the greatest gift we receive is that justice will be done. This bold perspective provides for growth.

Dedication and unity has always given our organization it’s true strength. Our courage can only be surpassed by our tenacity.

We remind ourselves that death can be the only reward for hesitation.

We are unwilling to stand aside or to quit the fight. We refuse to allow others or ourselves to be so easily trampled upon.

We are that Vigilant Sun standing watch over the corner of the universe. Ever shining,.. piercing through the void.



Established 6-3-2905


Defining our main goal as a group:

  • To protect and defend those in need and misfortune and to bring swift justice to those who would do harm to our group or those we defend.


Defining the purpose and responsibilities of the leadership:

  • Higher ranks are given to members because of their experience, knowledge & time-in. Rank is a privilege and should be treated as such. Higher ranks can also be demoted for acts reflecting badly upon the overall team.
  • Leadership roles assume the responsibility to ensure overall goals and tasks are completed however necessary & to provide experience & support to accomplish said goals where necessary.
  • Helping for overall team cohesion & communication. Discussion of tactics & formulations of strategies.


Defining the overall team rules:

  • Do not steal or intentionally damage the goods, or property of fellow team members outside of simulated combat or a previously agreed to duel.
  • Higher rank team members and leadership will be given the respect they deserve within the group. Their roles are there to be used for their experience. Their orders must be given the gravity & respect their rank provides.
  • A members actions has effect & reflection on the overall group. Your choices weigh not only on your own survival, but the groups survival as a whole. Communicate all intentions & any issues that may possibly arise within the rest of the team. Keep your team as informed as possible at all times.
  • Communication should be approached within the team as a closed loop. That is to say, all information in the team is shared and filtered though each member of the team completing a loop. No one is to be kept in the dark. Outside the team, all information & communications are classified as sensitive and should not be shared unless approved or given out by higher ranks.
  • When attacked without provocation, any member is granted the right to defend themselves however they deem necessary to ensure their survival. This does not mean counter-attack and seek revenge without informing the leadership and the overall team first. If this type of scenario provokes further retaliation by another group or organization it will be treated as an act of war by said organization.
  • Do not blindly go into a battle where you are aware the odds are stacked against you. Discuss tactics and options with the leadership ranks & other team members and formulate a plan.


Definitions of rules regarding affiliations:

  • Affiliates may request for aid & help but it is not always guaranteed to be given. The leadership will either make a tactical decision or take a group vote to decide it’s choice of actions to provide aid.
  • Any theft, attack, or destruction of property by an affiliate (outside of simulated combat or a previously agreed to dual) may warrant the probation of said affliction for an indeterminate period of time, or possible ban / removal, or up to and including a considered act of war.
  • Consideration of probation for an affiliate will be made by the leadership or be taken by a team vote.

PLEASE NOTE These rules are to be followed by all leadership, team members, & affiliates. They are not to be treated as if they cover every scenario. They will be amended and edited over time. Use sound judgement in making ALL decisions.