Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Victory Through Incompetence / VTI

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to Victory Through Incompetence!

Our primary goal is to strike out into the ‘Verse and have fun.


We’d like to do it all, and sing shanties while doing it.

Join us for the fun!


Victory Through Incompetence (VTI) formed in Eve Online, under the guidance and tutelage of our former leader Wisigothi.

Through Wisigothi’s teachings, we learned various tactics, strategies, and techniques that allowed us to live up to our goals: Have Fun.

We raided Ice Mining operations and took their cargo.
We delved into wormholes and stole a battleship.
We fought in numerous campaigns and fights, with varying levels of success.
We pirated in both High and Low sec space, and had many a good laughs.

As an Organization, we strive to follow our leader’s guidance in pursuit of all things Fun in Star Citizen.


Victory Through Incompetence strives to bring success to everything we do, no matter how we end up crossing the finish line. While we may not be the prettiest girl on the cheerleading squad, the ugliest troll under the bridge, or the nastiest drunk in a fight, but we certainly strive to do our best.

Victory Through Incompetence strives to fight honorably, no matter the front. We shall render aid unto those that need it or request it, keep our word when pirating, and leave no contract unfulfilled.

Victory Through Incompetence strives to support and work with each other. Star Citizen is a large game, best bring a friend or 3. We are looking for people that can play well with others, and not be a complete tool about it either.

Victory Through Incompetence strives to have fun. Star Citizen is a game – we treat it as such. If you find that you’re “working” in this game and not having fun, then you’re playing the wrong game.


Treat everyone Honorably. If you find someone that needs help, help them.

Don’t be an ass. No one likes playing with them anyways.

If you say you’re going to do something, do it.

Share information, tactics, strategies, grand schemes, etc, with the Organization.

Real Life always takes precedence over Star Citizen.

You’ve gotten this far. Join us on our discord for more info: