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Band of the Hawks / XVHAWKSVX

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Somewhere in a forgotten settlement, a little girl is lying on her humble bed and prays through tears that God would send his mighty angels to save her and her family from evil. Go for drop, ETA 2 minutes….


Founded as a haven for individuals desiring strength and unity. Honor and justice mark the expected service of its members. Exploring the unknown and defending those on the fring where the navy’s presence is sparse. The Hawks can always be found at the very edge, unwavering in the dark void. Their services can be bought so long as it is an effort towards the greater good.


  1. Act honorable – in a verse of enemies and thieves be in it, not of it.
  2. Have integrity – This means doing what is right, even when no one is looking.
  3. Be brave – Courage is not the absence of fear. It is being afraid and going forward anyways.
  4. Disciplined – Unflinching despite the opposition or trial.
  5. Never do outrage nor murder, and always flee treason; also, by no means to be cruel, but to give mercy to him that ask for mercy, upon pain of death.
  6. Stand by your oath.


Oath of Service

Upon my honor,

I will develop my life for the greater good.
I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth.
I will never boast, but cherish humility instead.
I will speak the truth at all times, and forever keep my word.
I will defend those who cannot defend themselves.
I will honor and respect women, and refute sexism in all its guises.
I will uphold justice by being fair to all.
I will be faithful in love and loyal in friendship.
I will abhor scandals and gossip—neither partake nor delight in them.
I will be generous to the poor and to those who need help.
I will forgive when asked, that my own mistakes will be forgiven.
I will live my life with courtesy and honor from this day forward.
By adhering to these 12 Trusts, I swear to partake in the living Quest in everything I do.